Solving the equation x ^ 3-3x = 1 Such as the title

Solving the equation x ^ 3-3x = 1 Such as the title

Let's use the cubic equation to find the root formula

How to solve the equation x + 12.89 = 15.79

x+12.89=15.x=15.79-12.89 x=2.9

Solving equation (10% X80) / (80 + x) = (15% X50) / (50 + x)


What is the difference and connection between percentage and score

A percentage is a fraction converted into a decimal, rounded and multiplied by 100%
Different ways of expression, how much% of a thing, how much of a thing
Fractions can be infinite, such as 1 / 3, but are finite by percentages

The difference and relationship between fraction and percentage

(1) The difference between percentage and fraction is as follows: 1. The meaning is different, the percentage only represents the multiple relationship of two numbers, not the unit name; the fraction can not only represent the specific number, but also the multiple relationship of two numbers

What are the differences and similarities between percentage and score?

The percentage is "a number is a few hundredths of another number." it can only express the multiple relationship between two numbers, not a specific quantity. The percentage is usually not written in the form of fraction, but is expressed by the sign "%" (called the percentage sign). The percentage can not express the specific quantity. The meaning of fraction is: divide the unit "1" into several parts equally, A number representing such a fraction or portions is called a fraction

The relation and difference of percentage, fraction and ratio

The difference between percentage and score lies in the difference in meaning, scope and writing
A score represents a number or a quantity, a score rate: 2 / 3, 2 / 3 hours, female students account for 4 / 7 of the class
A percentage can only indicate the percentage of one number to another
Ratio and score:
A ratio is a relation between two numbers,
A fraction represents a number

What is the relationship and difference between percentage and score?

Percentages belong to fractions. Percentages are a special form of fractions. The denominator can only be 100. There is no limit to the denominator of fractions (except 0)

How to turn a fraction into a percentage

Numerator / denominator × 100%

How do fractional percentages turn into fractions

62.5% = 62.5 divided by 100, that is 62.5/100, and then it should be about points, = 625 / 1000, about 5, about 125 / 200, about 5, about 25 / 40, about 5, about 5 is 5 / 8, I don't know if you can understand, I don't know if this is the way of primary school students, you have a look
(decimal × 100)%
For example: 0.34 = (0.34 × 100)% = 34%
First remove the percent sign, then move the decimal point to two places to the left, first turn it into a fraction whose denominator is 100, and then make the integer in front of the percent sign as a numerator. If it is a decimal, move the decimal point to the right and turn it into an integer, and then move the denominator to several places to the right