An electronic computer can run 10 ^ 10 operations per second. How many operations can it perform in a day and night (24h)?

An electronic computer can run 10 ^ 10 operations per second. How many operations can it perform in a day and night (24h)?

86400 billion times

Key names in common calculators

Combination shortcut keys, function keys, and some other frequently used shortcut keys, as well as their function descriptions. For all available, you can calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation

How to do four operations with calculator

Using Windows calculator, you can quickly perform four arithmetic operations. The method is very simple. Tools / raw materials Windows calculator method / step 1: open Notepad, input four arithmetic expressions (such as 42 + 6 * (12-4) =), select the formula and copy (Ctrl + C). Step 2: open calculator, select "view" -- "scientific type"

Using C programming language to realize a simple calculator of four arithmetic operations
Programming: programming a simple four arithmetic calculator: from the keyboard input a four arithmetic expression (no spaces and brackets), meet the equal sign "=" indicates the end of input, output results
Suppose that the calculator can only carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the number of operations and results are integers. The priority of the four operators is the same, and they are calculated from left to right (that is, 2 + 3 * 5, 2 + 3 first, and then 5 * 5)
Example: the description is in brackets

//Function, reading operands
int getNextNum()
int ret;
return ret;
//Function, read operator
char getOpt()
return getchar();
//Functions, calculating
int caculate(int op1 ,int op2 ,char opt)
if(opt=='+')return op1+op2;
if(opt=='-')return op1-op2;
if(opt=='*')return op1*op2;
if(opt=='/')return op1/op2;
return 0;
int main()
int op1,op2;
char opt;
//The result of the calculation is placed in the first operand
op1 = getNextNum();
opt = getOpt();
if ( opt == '=' ) break;
op2 = getNextNum();
op1 = caculate(op1,op2,opt);
return 0;

The smallest nonnegative integer is (), the smallest nonnegative number (). Please analyze it in detail

0 is the smallest nonnegative integer

There is a maximum nonnegative number and no minimum nonnegative number

Error. There is a minimum nonnegative number, which is 0; but there is no maximum nonnegative number

-Non negative solutions of 4-x-1 of 5 with 0.4 or more

x ≥1.2-1.

If the sum of two numbers equals zero and the product of the two numbers is negative, then the two numbers can only be zero

If the sum of two numbers is equal to zero, and the product of the two numbers is negative, then the two numbers can only be non-zero opposite numbers

If x is less than or equal to 2.5, what is the nonnegative solution?


What is the exact mathematical expression of nonnegative numbers

It's greater than or equal to 0·····