Given any negative number, the calculator is used to calculate the open cube continuously. With the increase of the number of open cubes, the result tends to () A. 0b. 1C. - 1D. Not sure

Given any negative number, the calculator is used to calculate the open cube continuously. With the increase of the number of open cubes, the result tends to () A. 0b. 1C. - 1D. Not sure

∵ the cube root of a negative number is still negative, and the absolute value of two negative numbers is larger, but smaller. The result tends to - 1

How to open a cube with ordinary calculator

If you don't have the key to find the root, you may not be able to use such a calculator to work out the root formula

Do you have an open cube calculator online?

Just use the computer itself
Attachment → calculator → view → scientific type → input a → click "x ^ y" → click "(")
Enter 1 / 3 → click ")" →=
Don't understand ask me (⊙ o ⊙) oh

On negative numbers in Mathematics··
Which one is bigger, one or five···

Negative number, the absolute value of the larger is smaller, so - 1 is larger

What are the characteristics of negative numbers?

There's a minus sign in front

What is double nonnegative?

Quadratic radical
1. Definition:
An expression in the form of √ (a ≥ 0) is called a quadratic radical
2. The range of quadratic radical √
The √ is a non negative number, that is √ is ≥ 0
When a > 0, √ denotes the arithmetic square root of A
When a = 0, √ denotes the arithmetic square root of 0, that is, 0
3. Calculation formula:
2. When a > 0, √ā & #178; = a
When a = 0, √ā & #178; = 0
When a < 0, √ā & #178; = - A
√ā÷√ō=√(ā÷ō) (a≥0,o≥0)
4. The simplest quadratic radical
The conditions are as follows: (1) the number to be square does not contain denominator; (2) the number to be square does not contain the factor to be square
5. Addition and subtraction of quadratic radical
First, we change the quadratic radical into the simplest one, and then merge the two with the same root number
Note: quadratic radical has double nonnegative property

What is the composition of nonnegative numbers

Greater than or equal to zero

-Is a negative number
Such as the title

① When a > 0, - A is negative;
② When a = 0, - A is 0;
③ When a < 0, - A is a positive number

Is the square of x minus one negative or nonnegative

Nonnegative number (1 or 0)

A positive number is greater than zero, and a negative number is less than zero. The number of two negative numbers is smaller than the size (). Please help me to explain the contents in brackets,

The positive number is greater than zero, and the negative number is less than zero; the number of two negative numbers with larger absolute value is smaller