The distance from point a (3, - 4) to the x-axis is -- the distance to the y-axis is -- the distance to the origin is-------

The distance from point a (3, - 4) to the x-axis is -- the distance to the y-axis is -- the distance to the origin is-------


The distance from the point P (- 2,3) to the x-axis is, the distance from the point P (- 2,3) to the y-axis is, and the distance from the point P (- 2,3) to the origin is

Point P (- 2,3)
The distance to the x-axis is the absolute value of the ordinate 3
The distance to the y-axis is the absolute value of abscissa 2
You can make a vertical line from this point to the x-axis to get a triangle. The length of the hypotenuse is the distance from the origin, which is obtained by Pythagorean theorem
Distance to origin = D ^ 2 = (- 2) ^ 2 + 3 ^ 2
D = root 13

The distance from P (- 3,4) to x-axis is (), the distance from Y-axis is (), the distance from origin o is (), and the distance from Q (- 3,6) is

The distance from P (- 3,4) to x-axis is (4), the distance to Y-axis is (3), the distance to origin o is (5), and the distance to Q (- 3,6) is (2)