60 = () + () 2. () + () = 80 prime numbers in brackets

60 = () + () 2. () + () = 80 prime numbers in brackets

60=29 31=23 37=19 41=17 43=13 47=7 53
80=37 43=19 61=13 67=7 73

-3,1,5,0,7 / 1,15,1.6,21,13,77 () are natural numbers () are integers () are prime numbers () are composite numbers

(1,5,0,15,21,13,77) is a natural number (- 3,1,5,0,15,21,13,77) is an integer (5,13) is a prime number (15,21,77) is a composite number

If the sum of 77 consecutive natural numbers is 7546, then the 45th natural number is?
A.91 B.100 C.104 D.105
The reference answers are as follows:
(2a + 76) * 77 / 2 = 7546, a = 60, so A45 (subscript) = 60 + 44 = 104

7546 divided by 77 is the middle term, the 39th is 98, and the 45th is 104 C