Let a = {2,3,4,6,8} R be the divisional relation over a, try to draw the Haas diagram of a, and find the largest element, the smallest element, the largest element and the smallest element in a

Let a = {2,3,4,6,8} R be the divisional relation over a, try to draw the Haas diagram of a, and find the largest element, the smallest element, the largest element and the smallest element in a

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A = {2,3,4,6,8,12,24}, is an integral division relation on

Every node in a graph represents an element in the set a, and the positions of nodes are arranged from bottom to top according to their order in the partial order. That is to say, for any a, B belongs to a, if a & lt; B (a ≤ B Λ a ≠ b), then a is arranged below B. If a & lt; B, and there is no C ∈ a satisfying a & lt; C & lt; B, then a line is connected between a and B
Hastur's drawing method is: & nbsp
(1) Use "circle" for elements; & nbsp
(2) If X & lt; y, then y is drawn on top of X
(3) If y covers x, then the line is connected
(4) Incomparable elements can be drawn on the same layer

Some problems about Hamilton graph in Discrete Mathematics
Suppose that any two of them know the other n-2
1. When n > = 3, n people form a line, and the others know their neighbors except the first and last
2. When n 〉 = 4, n people form a circle, and each person knows his or her neighbors

In essence, there are Hamiltonian paths and Hamiltonian cycles
Direr's 1952 theorem n > = if the minimum degree of a graph with three vertices is greater than N / 2, there is a Hamiltonian cycle

Draw an eighth order self complementary graph

Page 188 question 4?

Discrete mathematics "P only if Q" means "only if q is true, P can be true", right?

"P only if Q (Q → P) ∧ (Q → P)" only if q is true, P can be true "

Discrete mathematics "P when Q" means "when q is set up, P must be set up", while "P only when Q" means "when q is not set up, P must not be set up, and when q is set up, P may not be set up", right? If so, I feel a little uncomfortable. When q is not set up, P must not be set up, which is very easy to understand. When q is set up, P may not be set up, which is very awkward, I think that when q is established, "P when Q" and "P only when Q" are the same meaning in Chinese meaning. But here, when there are more than one "only", P becomes possible. Please tell me

Necessary condition, sufficient condition, sufficient and necessary condition. It's very easy to understand literally, but it's impossible to do without it. With your topic, P must be true, Q must be true, and other conditions may be needed for P to be true, but without Q, P is definitely not true. For example, people live and drink water, and drinking water is the necessary condition for people to live

Prove P ∨ (Q → P) ≡ Q → p

The equivalent of Q → P is Q ∨ P, so
p∨(q→p) ≡ p∨(┐q∨p) ≡ ┐q∨p ≡ q→p

Discrete Mathematics (P Λ q) → R
Let p be the proposition “You have the flu", q be the proposition ”You miss the \x0cfinal
examination" and r be the proposition“You pass the course". Express the following as an English
sentence: (p→~r)∨(q→~r)
The answer is if P, then ~ r or if Q, then ~ R
But the above formula is equal to (P Λ q) → ~ r, right
If we write if P and Q, then ~ r, right

The translation into English sentence is:
If you have the flu and miss the \x0cfinal examination,then you will not pass the course.

Proof of P → q = > P → (P Λ q) in Discrete Mathematics

(1)—pv(p^q) (2) (—pvp)^(—pvq) (3) p—>q

The true and false problem of "P implies Q" in Discrete Mathematics
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
P: it doesn't rain Q: the vegetation is withered and yellow
Put each relationship in,
For "P is 0, q is 0, P → q is 1", it is true that "if it rains, then plants will not wither and yellow", so p → q is 1
Please explain the following three situations

"P is 0, q is 1, P → q is 1" is interpreted as "if it rains, then the plants will wither and yellow". This sentence is true, so p → q is 1
"P is 1, q is 0, P → q is 0" is interpreted as "if it doesn't rain, then the plants will not wither and yellow". This sentence is true, so p → q is 0
"P is 0, q is 0, P → q is 1" is interpreted as "if it doesn't rain, then the plants will wither and yellow". This sentence is true, so p → q is 1
The so-called P - > Q, that is, P is a necessary condition for Q, but not necessarily a sufficient condition