Operation of exponent and exponential power Calculation: under root sign [a + 2 times root sign (A-1)] + under root sign [A-2 times root sign (A-1)] And a is greater than or equal to 1

Operation of exponent and exponential power Calculation: under root sign [a + 2 times root sign (A-1)] + under root sign [A-2 times root sign (A-1)] And a is greater than or equal to 1

I can't type the root sign now. I use £ to represent the root sign. The original formula = £ [a 2 £ (A-1)] £ [A-2 £ (A-1)] = £ [(A-1) 2 £ (A-1) 1] + £ [(A-1) 2 £ (A-1) 1], because a > 1, the original formula = £ (A-1) 1 £ (A-1) - 1 = 2 £ (A-1)