How many digits are the approximate number of 1.3 billion? How many significant digits are there? How many digits are there? How many significant digits are there?

How many digits are the approximate number of 1.3 billion? How many significant digits are there? How many digits are there? How many significant digits are there?

There are two significant figures from 1.3 billion to one hundred million, 0.0125 to ten thousand (or four decimal places), and three significant figures

The approximate number is 86000, accurate to (), the significant number is (), which is expressed as ()
Come on! Please! Help me!

Accurate to the hundredth, the significant number is 3. It means 8.60 * 10 four times room

982000 is represented by scientific counting___ The approximate number is 82000___ Yes____ Significant digit
Expressed by scientific counting method: 527+____ ,-31200_____
If the absolute value of M = - m, then the condition that rational number m should satisfy is____

982000 is expressed as the fifth power of 9.82 * 10 ^ by scientific counting method; the approximate number is 82000, accurate to 1000, with two significant digits
Expressed by scientific counting method: 527:5.27 * 10 ^ quadratic, - 31200: - 3.12 * 10 ^ quartic
If the absolute value of M = - m, then the rational number m should satisfy the condition that M is less than or equal to 0

Write all quartic monomials with coefficients - 1 and letters A and B
If the | m | - 2 power Z of the cubic power y of (m-5) x is a binomial of degree six, try to find the value of M

Write all the quartic monomials with coefficients of - 1 and letters A and B: - A & # 178; B & # 178;
If the | m | - 2 power Z of the cubic power y of (m-5) x is a binomial of degree six, try to find the value of M
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They all contain the letters a, B, C, and the coefficient is 1

A ^ 6bca ^ 5B ^ 2C a ^ 5BC ^ 2A ^ 4B ^ 3C a ^ 4bc ^ 3 A ^ 4B ^ 2C ^ 2A ^ 3B ^ 3C ^ 2 A ^ 3B ^ 2C ^ 3 A ^ 3B ^ 4C a ^ 3B ^ 4A ^ 2B ^ 4C ^ 2 A ^ 2B ^ 2C ^ 4 a ^ 2B ^ 3C ^ 3 A ^ 2B ^ 5C a ^ 2BC ^ 5ab ^ 6C ABC ^ 6 AB ^ 5C ^ 2 ab ^ 2C ^ 25 AB ^ 3C ^ 4 AB ^ 4C ^ 3 a total of 21

Given that the solution set of the equation AX2 + 4x + 1 = 0 is a, and there are two elements in a, try to find the value range of the real number a

The solution set of ∵ equation AX2 + 4x + 1 = 0 is a, and there are two elements in a, ∵ a ≠ 0, and △ 0; that is, a ≠ 0, and 16-4a > 0; the solution is a < 4, and a ≠ 0

If the equation AX ^ 2 + 4x + 5 = 0 has only one root in the interval [- 2,3], find the value range of real number a

When a = 0, x = - 5 / 4
Let f (x) = ax ^ 2 + 4x + 5
If there is only one root in the interval [- 2,3], then f (- 2) f (3)

The function f (x) = x ^ 2-8lnx, G (x) = - x ^ 2 + 14x, if the equation f (x) = g (x) + m has a unique solution, find the value of real number M

If the equation f (x) = g (x) + m has a unique solution, then f (x) = f (x) - G (x) - M has only one intersection with X axis
That is, 2x ^ 2-8lnx-14x-m = 0 has a unique solution
Then f '(x) = 4x - (8 / x) - 14
The definition field of function is (0, + ∞)
Let f '(x) = 0
X = - 1 / 2 (rounding off) or x = 4
In (0,4), f '(x)

Given that the function f (x) = x2 + (a + 2) x + B satisfies f (- 1) = - 2, if the equation f (x) = 2x has a unique solution, find the value of real numbers a and B
The equation f (x) = 2x has a unique solution. I don't understand this step

Because f (- 1) = - 2, that is 1 - (a + 2) + B = 0 (1)
F (x) = 2x, i.e. x ^ 2 + ax + B = 0, has a unique solution, i.e. a ^ 2-4b = 0 (2)
Solution 1,2 is enough

Given the function f (x) = 4 ^ x + 2 ^ (2x + 1) - 3, X ∈ R (1), if the equation f (x) = m has a solution, find the value range of real number M

Function deformation f (x) = 4 ^ x + 2 * 4 ^ x-3 = 3 * 4 ^ x-3
To make x meaningful, it must be m / 3 + 1 > 0, so m > - 3