2003.20 is an approximate number, which is accurate to () digits and has () significant digits 2.029 * 10 ^ 6, accurate to 10000 bits (), significant number () To train of thought, the day a good score

2003.20 is an approximate number, which is accurate to () digits and has () significant digits 2.029 * 10 ^ 6, accurate to 10000 bits (), significant number () To train of thought, the day a good score

2003.20 is an approximate number, which is accurate to (percentile), with (6) significant numbers
029 * 10 ^ 6 to (2.03 * 10 ^ 6), the significant number is (203)

It is necessary to keep the approximate number 1260000 as two significant numbers————

If the approximate number 1260000 is retained, two significant numbers are - 1.3x10 to the sixth power -——

Approximate 195.20 retain two significant numbers

195.20 keep two significant numbers
It's 200 (19 + 1 in front of 5 into 1 becomes 20)
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The sum of two continuous natural numbers multiplied by their difference is 27. The two natural numbers are

Small: (27-1) △ 2 = 13
Large: (27 + 1) △ 2 = 14

In the three continuous natural numbers, the smallest number is a multiple of 9, the middle number is a multiple of 8, and the largest number is a multiple of 7, then the sum of the three numbers is the smallest______ .

7. The least common multiple of 8 and 9 is: 7 × 8 × 9 = 504; 504-7 = 497504-8 = 496504-9 = 495; 495 + 496 + 497 = 1488

1. What are the natural numbers in mathematics?

It is used to measure the number of things or to indicate the order of things Natural numbers start from 1, one after another, and form an infinite set. Natural number sets have addition and multiplication operations. The results of addition or multiplication of two natural numbers are still natural numbers, and they can also be used for subtraction or division, but the results of subtraction and division are not necessarily natural numbers, So subtraction and division are not always true in the set of natural numbers. Natural numbers are the most basic of all the numbers that people know. In order to make the system of numbers have a strict logical basis, mathematicians in the 19th century established two equivalent theories of natural numbers: ordinal number theory and cardinal number theory, which made the concept, operation and related properties of natural numbers strictly discussed

What does natural number mean in mathematics?

01234… And other natural real numbers to count the number of items

What is the significance of the study of natural number e in mathematics?
What is the meaning and source of E~~~~~

Let's look at the Encyclopedia for ourselves. People who have studied advanced mathematics all know that natural logarithm D (e ^ x) = e ^ x, that is, it is not afraid of differential~

A set of all odd and prime natural numbers less than 10

All odd numbers less than 10 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Where prime numbers are 3, 5, 7
So the set composed of all odd numbers less than 10 and prime numbers is {3,5,7}
If you don't understand, please hi me, I wish you a happy study!

Why can natural numbers less than 0 form a set

An empty set is a set
The set of natural numbers less than 0 is empty