-How to solve the inequality of 35A & # 178; + 4A + 4 > 0

-How to solve the inequality of 35A & # 178; + 4A + 4 > 0


What is the square root of 3 equal to x
What's 3x open heel

3 or - 3

What is the sum of two X squared minus x squared

It's zero

The set of 1,3 / 2,6 / 4, absolute value - 1 / 2,0.5 contains five elements
Is that right?

Incorrect. It's three elements

If a belongs to a and a is not equal to 1, then 1 / (1-A) belongs to a
(1) If 2 belongs to a, then there are two other numbers in a, and find this number
(2) Set a cannot be a single element set
(3) There are at least three elements in set a

It is proved that: (1) from the meaning of the question, 1 / (1-2) belongs to a, both - 1 belongs to A. and because - 1 belongs to a, then 1 / [1 - (- 1)] = 1 / 2. If 1 / 2 is replaced by 1 / (1-A) = 2, so the other two numbers in a are - 1,1 / 2. (2) there is ambiguity in the stem of the question

1. Given the set a = {0,2,3}, B = {x | x = AB, a, B ∈ a}, then the number of proper subsets of B is_________ .
The options are a.4; b.8; c.16; d.15

You should choose D
The elements of B set are the product of any two elements in a (which can be repeated), so B = {0,4,9,6} has four elements, and the number of proper subsets of B is

Set a = {y | y = x2 + 2x-1} denotes the set of all function values of function y = x2 + 2x-1, that is {y | Y > = - 2}
How do you understand that?

That is, the minimum value of y = x2 + 2x-1 is - 2
That is y = x2 + 2x-1 ≥ - 2

High school mathematics problems (number set) online, etc
1. Given a = {1,3}, u = {1,3, a ^ 2 + 2A + 1} C (sign) UA = {5}, find a
2. Let u = {2,3, m ^ 2 + 2m-3}, a = {| m + 1 |, 2}, C (sign) UA = {5}. Find M
3. If the equation AX ^ 2-4x + A + 1 = 0 about X has at least one non negative real root, find the range of A
All of the above three questions are answered with the knowledge of the first number set of senior high school
I am online and so on

So a = - 1 + SQR (5) or - 1-5) SQR: open root
2. Similarly, the conversion condition is: m ^ 2 + 2m-3 = 5 and M + 15 and M + 1-5, so m = - 4 or 2
3, if a = 0
If A0, then 4 ^ 2-4 (a) (a + 1) > 0
If a

What are number sets and point sets?

A number set is a set of numbers. In mathematics, some commonly used number sets and their notation are as follows: the set composed of all non negative integers of a number set is called non negative integer set (or natural number set), denoted as N; the set composed of all positive integers except zero is called positive integer set, denoted as n * or N + ("+" is marked in the lower right corner); the set composed of all integers is called positive integer set

Number set a satisfies the condition
If a belongs to a and a is not equal to 1, then 1 / 1-A belongs to a
Try to discuss whether the set is a single element set?
I didn't understand the meaning of the question

∵ a belongs to a, if a is not equal to 1, then 1 / 1-A belongs to a
In addition to element a, there is at least 1 / 1-A in a
If a = 1 / 1-A, then a may be a single element set
Then A-A ^ 2 = 1 = = > A ^ 2-A + 1 = 0 = > ⊿ = 1-4 = - 3