If two numbers are added, the result is one of the two numbers, then the other addend is a. a positive number B. a negative number C. zero D. a positive number negative or zero

If two numbers are added, the result is one of the two numbers, then the other addend is a. a positive number B. a negative number C. zero D. a positive number negative or zero

It can only be zero

Must positive numbers be greater than negative numbers


Positive number is greater than 0, 0 is greater than negative number, positive number is greater than negative number, two negative numbers, what is the bigger absolute value

Two negative numbers, the absolute value of the larger but smaller

Negative numbers are less than all positive numbers, and positive numbers are greater than 0

Yes, negative numbers are less than 0, positive numbers are greater than 0, so positive numbers are greater than negative numbers

The sum of two numbers must be greater than each addend. Do you think this statement is correct? Give an example

Wrong: for example:

Write the proposition "if (radical X-2) + (y + 1) ^ 2 = 0", then x = 2 and y = - 1 inverse proposition, no proposition, inverse no proposition, and judge their true and false

Inverse proposition: if x = 2 and y = - 1, then (radical X-2) + (y + 1) ^ 2 = 0 no proposition: if (radical X-2) + (y + 1) ^ 2 is not equal to 0, then x is not equal to 2 or Y is not equal to - 1 inverse no proposition: if x is not equal to 2 or Y is not equal to - 1, then (radical X-2) + (y + 1) ^ 2 is not equal to 0, then the original proposition is true, then the inverse no proposition is also true

The inverse proposition, negative proposition, inverse negative proposition and true false of the proposition "if x = y, then root x = root Y"

Converse proposition
If x = y, then x = y
No proposition
If x ≠ y, then root x ≠ root y
The original proposition is a false proposition
Both inverse proposition and negative proposition are true propositions

Write the inverse proposition that radical 2 is irrational number no proposition inverse no proposition

Inverse proposition irrational number is root 2 no Proposition 2 is not irrational number inverse proposition irrational number is not root 2

If the root sign a = the root sign B, then the inverse proposition of a = B is:
A question to fill in the blanks

Inverse proposition: if a = B, then root a = root B

If a ∈ R, the square of root a = a, then a > o
If the square of equation x + 4x-2m = O has real roots, then M is greater than or equal to - 2

(√ a) &# 178; = a reversible a > o
There is a real root △≥ 0, that is, 16 + 8m ≥ 0, reversible m is greater than or equal to - 2