On the number axis, there are x integers whose distance from the origin is less than, y negative integers whose absolute value is not greater than, and Z integers whose absolute value is 4. Find the value of X + y + Z

On the number axis, there are x integers whose distance from the origin is less than, y negative integers whose absolute value is not greater than, and Z integers whose absolute value is 4. Find the value of X + y + Z

On the number axis, there are x integers whose distance from the origin is less than 4, y negative integers whose absolute value is not greater than 4, and Z integers whose absolute value is equal to 4. Find the value of X + y + Z

There are too few integers whose distance from the number axis to the origin is not more than 3, and how many integers whose absolute value is not less than 3.14

There are four integers whose distance from the number axis to the origin is not more than 3, and there are countless integers whose absolute value is not less than 3.14

-The meaning of the absolute value of 5 on the number axis represents the distance between the point of 0 and the origin


How to draw the point of - √ 5 on the number axis?

Draw a rectangle with length of 2 and width of 1 on the number axis. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the length of its diagonal is root 5. Therefore, use a compass to intercept the diagonal to the negative half axis of the number axis

On the number axis, draw in 5S, in 5S, at the end of 5S and at the beginning of 6S
Just explain

The fifth second means the period of one second from the beginning of the fifth second to the end of the fifth second;
Five seconds means a period of five seconds in a row;
The end of the fifth second is the moment at the end of the fifth second (Note: it is not a time period, but a time point);
The beginning of the sixth second is the moment at the beginning of the sixth second, which is equal to the end of the fifth second

What kind of points can be drawn on the number axis
Where are we? I know rational numbers include integers and fractions

Any rational number and irrational number can be represented by points on the number axis, such as 1.5, π, etc
Hope to help you ~ ~ ~ welcome to ask

The point representing an integer on the number axis is called integral point. The unit length of a certain number axis is 1cm. If a line segment AB with length of 2011cm is randomly drawn on the number axis, the number of integral points covered by the line segment AB is______ .

If the coverage starts from the integer point, the number of integer points covered is 2010. If the coverage is not from the integer point, the number of integer points covered is 2011. To sum up, the number of integer points covered by line AB is 2010 or 2011. So the answer is: 2010 or 2011

When drawing the number axis, which three factors should be paid attention to?

Direction, far point, length

If points a and B on the number axis represent - 5 and - 6 respectively, the distance between a and B on the number axis is a length unit

1 unit of length
Length unit is not positive or negative, refers to the distance between two numbers, is the absolute value of the difference between the two

Where should I mark the length unit on the number axis? What should I mark? I've forgotten all about it
Who should I listen to

Mark 1, 2, 3, and - 1, - 2, - 3. Positive and negative numbers have 0, which can also be all real numbers