500 soldiers in a row. For the first time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1-5) from left to right; for the second time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1-6) from right to left. How many soldiers reported 1 and 6?

500 soldiers in a row. For the first time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (1-5) from left to right; for the second time, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1-6) from right to left. How many soldiers reported 1 and 6?

500÷30=16… A: there are 16 soldiers who report both 1 and 6

The divisibility of numbers: one 2011 digit 77 '` 7 (a total of 1005)? 444' ` 4 (...)
Divisibility of numbers: a 2011 digit 77 '` 7 (a total of 1005)? 444' ` 4 (a total of 1005) can be divisible by 7 ` 11 ` 13 respectively, and fill in the number? F respectively

The number is 0
This question is mainly a puzzle, just consider 7 () 4 can be divided by 11, the answer is 704
That is, the number in brackets is 0

A ten digit number is composed of ten letters abcdefghij, in which different letters represent different numbers
A is a multiple of 1, AB is a multiple of 2, ABC is a multiple of 3, ABCD is a multiple of 4 Abcdefghij the number of ten digits is a multiple of 10?
[complete solution] from the meaning of the question, it can be seen that the even digit from the left is even, the odd digit is odd, the tenth digit is "0", and the fifth digit is 5. Because the first four digits are multiples of 4, the first eight digits are multiples of 8, and the odd digit is odd, the even digit is even, so the fourth and Eighth digits are 2 and 6, namely D and h. according to the experiment, only the fourth digit is 6, and the eighth digit is 2, can there be solutions .
My question is: on what basis can we judge that the fourth and eighth place are 2 and 6, and through what kind of experiment can we conclude that only when the fourth place is 6 and the eighth place is 2 can we have a solution?

The characteristic of division by 4 is that the last two digits can be divided by 4
The fourth bit is even and the third bit is odd. The two digits of odd before and even after can be divided by 4. They are 12,16,32,36,52,56,72,76,92,96
The number divisible by 8 must also be divisible by 4, so the 4th and 8th digits must be 2 or 6
The experiment is to make the 4th bit equal to 2 and the 8th bit equal to 6,
Let the fourth digit be equal to 6 and the eighth digit be equal to 2

Given M2 M-1 = 0, find the value of M3 2M2 1990. Given M2 M-1 = 0, find the value of M3 2M2 1990

Is it m ^ 2 + M-1 = 0?

Let M2 + M-1 = 0, (1) find the value of M3 + 2M2 + 2010. (2), M2 + 1 / m2

If we know that we are known as M & 35\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-

If M2 + M = 1, then m3 + 2M2 + 2011
Who is quick and accurate. Give 200 fortune!

So the original formula = 2012

Let M2 + M-1 = 0, then m3 + 2M2 + 2010=______ .

If ∵ M2 + M-1 = 0, ① ∵ ① × m, m3 + m2-m = 0, ② ∵ ① + ②, m3 + 2m2-1 = 0, namely m3 + 2M2 = 1, then m3 + 2M2 + 2010 = 1 + 2010 = 2011

If M2 + M-1 = 0, m3 + 2M2 + 2001 =?

The algorithm is as follows:
M2 + M-1 = 0, m (M + 1) = 1, M + 1 = 1 / m
M3 + 2M2 = M2 (M + 2) = M2 ((M + 1) + 1) is substituted by M + 1 = 1 / m
Since M2 + M = 1, M + M2 + 2001 = 2002 is derived, that is, the original formula is equal to 2002

Given m / M2 + m + 1 = 1 / 6, find the value of M2 / M4 + M2 + 1
It is helpful for the responder to give an accurate answer

Move 1 to m / M2 + M = - 5 / 6, and square both sides of the equation

Given m + 1 / M = 3, find the value of the fraction m2 / M4 + M2 + 1
