On the integral division of numbers There are three kinds of things a, B, and C, 88, 554, and 147 respectively. After the average distribution to xiaopenyou, the remaining B is three times as much as a, and C is two times as much as a. how many xiaopenyou are there?

On the integral division of numbers There are three kinds of things a, B, and C, 88, 554, and 147 respectively. After the average distribution to xiaopenyou, the remaining B is three times as much as a, and C is two times as much as a. how many xiaopenyou are there?

A: B: C = 1:3:2
Let's look at a and C first
Let's double the number of a before and the number of children. After redistribution, the remaining numbers of a and C should be equal
And a, C out of the number of distribution has a common factor, that is, the number of children
So 88 * 2 - 147 = 29 is the distribution difference between a and C. because it is an average distribution, the distribution difference should be a multiple of the number of children
And 29 is a prime number, so there are 29 children
In fact, B can not. Of course, you can verify it
554-88 * 3 = 290, which is a multiple of 29

Given M2 + M-1 = 0, find m3 + 2M2 + 2004

M ^ 2 + M = 1 m is not 0

We know that f (x) = (M's Square - 5m + 6) times X's Square - 2m-1, when m is the value
1. F (x) is a positive proportional function
2. F (x) is an inverse proportional function
3. F (x) is a quadratic function
4. F (x) power function, whose image does not pass through the point (0,0)

F (x) is a positive proportional function m ^ 2-5M + 6 ≠ 0, m ^ 2-2m-1 = 1 (M-3) (m-2) ≠ 0, (m-1) ^ 2 = 3M ≠ 3, m ≠ 2, M = 1 ± √ 3 ≠ M = 1 ± √ 32. F (x) is an inverse proportional function m ^ 2-5M + 6 ≠ 0, m ^ 2-2m-1 = - 1 (M-3) (m-2) ≠ 0, (m-2) M = 0m ≠ 3, m ≠ 2, M = 0 ≠ M = 03. F (x) is a quadratic function m ^

For example, V1: V2 = N1: N2


Factorization N1. N2X ^ 2 + (N1. N2 + M1. M2) XY + M1. M2y

Finally, it should be y & sup2;
The original formula = n1n2x & sup2; + n1n2xy + m1m2xy + m1m2y & sup2;

T. P same: V1: V2 = N1: N2
Who can help me write down the derivation process of this chemical formula
P * m / ρ = RT * m / m what's going on?

p. T is constant, that is to say, it can be regarded as a constant, and R is a constant
That is, v = kn (k = RT / P), that is, V is proportional to n
So V1: V2 = N1: N2
V = mass / density = m / ρ, n = mass / molar mass = m / M
Just insert it

In the mixture of N2 and O2, when the mass percentage of N2 is 84%, what is the average molar mass of the mixture

The total mass is 100g
So N2 mass = 84g, O2 mass = 16g
n(N2) = 84/28 = 3mol,n(O2) = 16/32 = 0.5mol
So the average molar mass of the gas mixture is 100 / (3 + 0.5) = 28.6g/mol
Because the mass has no effect on the result, the total mass is 100g, which is more convenient

The molar mass of the mixture of N2, O2 and CO2 in the volume ratio of 1:2:3 is?

The volume ratio is equal to the mass ratio of matter
Molar mass of mixed gas = mass of mixed gas / mass of mixed gas
1mol N2, 2mol O2, 3mol CO2 were set
The mass of 1mol N2 is m = nm = 1 * 28 = 28g
The mass of 2mol O2 is m = nm = 2 * 32 = 64g
The mass of 3mol CO2 is m = nm = 3 * 44 = 132g
Mass of gas mixture = 28 + 64 + 132 = 224g
The amount of mixed gas = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6mol
The molar mass of gas mixture = 224 / 6 = 37.3g/mol

The average molar mass of N 2 and O 2 is 30, and the volume ratio of the two gases is calculated under the same conditions

Let the mass of N2 be m and O2 be n, then the total mass is 28m + 32n, the mass of total material is m + N, and the average molar mass is 28m + 32n / (M + n) = 30. The solution is: M: n = 1:1, the volume ratio is proportional to the mass ratio of material: V1: V2 = 1:1 or cross N2 2830-28 = 2 30, O2 3232-30 = 2 2:2 = 1:1

The mass of 1 mol O2 is --- g, the relative molecular weight of O2 is ---, the molar mass of O2 is ---, and the molar mass of NH4 is --

1 mol O2 32 grams because the molar mass of oxygen is 32 grams per mole
The relative molecular mass is 32. One oxygen atom is 16, and two are 32
The molar mass is 32 grams per mole
The molar mass of NH4 is 18 grams per mole