If six digit a2875b is divisible by 99, then two digit AB is ()

If six digit a2875b is divisible by 99, then two digit AB is ()


If the six digit 1992 can be divided by 105, then the last two digits are______ .

Because 105 = 3 × 5 × 7, 105 can be divisible by 3, 5 and 7 at the same time. According to the characteristics of the number divisible by 5, the six digit number has the following seven possibilities: 199200199230199260199290199215199245199275

If the six digit 1992 can be divided by 105, then the last two digits are______ .

Because 105 = 3 × 5 × 7, 105 can be divisible by 3, 5 and 7 at the same time. According to the characteristics of the number divisible by 5, we know that there are seven possibilities for this six digit number: 199200199230199260199290199215199245199275. Finally, we use 7 to try to know that 199290 can be divisible by 7. Therefore, 199290 can be divisible by 105, and its last two digits are 90

Try to write a quadratic trinomial about X, such that the coefficient of the quadratic term is 2, the constant term is 3, and when x = 1, the value of this polynomial is 6

When x = 1
The polynomials are

On the quadratic trinomial of X, if the coefficient of quadratic term is 3, the coefficient of primary term is - 2, and the constant term is - 1, then the polynomial should be

Then this polynomial should be: 3x & # 178; - 2x-1

Given a quadratic trinomial about X, the coefficient of quadratic term is - 1, the coefficient of primary term is 2, and the constant term is - 3, then the quadratic trinomial is?
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-X & # 178; + 2x-3 is too simple. Can't you just write it directly

A quadratic trinomial formula about X, the coefficient of the quadratic term is - 1, the coefficient of the primary term and the constant term are negative 1 / 2, then what is the formula?


Please write out a quadratic trinomial formula about X so that the coefficient of the quadratic term is negative 1, the coefficient of the primary term is 2, and the constant term is negative 5?

-Square of X + 2x-5

Write out a quadratic trinomial with the letter X, the highest number of terms is 2, and the coefficient of the first term and the constant term are opposite to each other


On the quadratic trinomial of X, if the coefficient of the quadratic term is - 1, the coefficient of the primary term is 2, and the constant term is - 3, then the quadratic trinomial is -______ .

∵ on the quadratic trinomial of X, the coefficient of the quadratic term is - 1, the coefficient of the quadratic term is - X2, the coefficient of the primary term is 2, the coefficient of the primary term is 2x, and the constant term is - 3. The quadratic trinomial is: - x2 + 2x-3. So the answer is: - x2 + 2x-3