Six digit 2003? Can be divided by 99, how many are its last two digits?

Six digit 2003? Can be divided by 99, how many are its last two digits?


If the six digit 1992 can be divided by 105, then the last two digits are______ .

Because 105 = 3 × 5 × 7, 105 can be divisible by 3, 5 and 7 at the same time. According to the characteristics of the number divisible by 5, we know that there are seven possibilities for this six digit number: 199200199230199260199290199215199245199275. Finally, we use 7 to try to know that 199290 can be divisible by 7. Therefore, 199290 can be divisible by 105, and its last two digits are 90

If the six digit 1992 can be divided by 105, then the last two digits are______ .

Because 105 = 3 × 5 × 7, 105 can be divisible by 3, 5 and 7 at the same time. According to the characteristics of the number divisible by 5, we know that there are seven possibilities for this six digit number: 199200199230199260199290199215199245199275. Finally, we use 7 to try to know that 199290 can be divisible by 7. Therefore, 199290 can be divisible by 105, and its last two digits are 90

Try to write a quadratic trinomial with the constant term of - 1, the coefficients of other terms of 2 and only the letter X


A cubic quaternion with only the letter X, the coefficient of the highest order is - 1, the coefficient of the second order and the first order is 1 / 2, - 3 respectively, the constant is 0, write multiple items


What is a cubic quaternion with only the letter X, if the coefficient of the cubic is 1, the coefficient of the quadratic is - 2 / 1, the coefficient of the primary is 3 / 4, and the constant is 9


A quadratic trinomial formula containing only the letter X, its coefficient of quadratic term is - 1, the coefficient of the first term is minus 1 / 2, and the constant term is - 3
Yes ()

The square of minus x minus one half, x minus three
That is - x ^ 2-1 / 2x-3

A quadratic trinomial with only the letter M, the coefficients of its quadratic and primary terms are - 1, and the constant term is 2. Try to write this quadratic trinomial
And calculate the value of the quadratic trinomial when m = - half

Quadratic trinomial: - m ^ 2-m + 2
When m = - 1 / 2, the value is 11 / 4

A quadratic trinomial with only the letter A, its coefficient of the quadratic term and the coefficient of the first term are - 1, and the constant term is - 2 / 3

-1a-1a -2/3

For a quadratic trinomial with only the letter A, the coefficient of the quadratic term and the coefficient of the first term are - 3, and the constant term is 1
