If a six digit 2009 () can be divided by 105, what are the last two digits

If a six digit 2009 () can be divided by 105, what are the last two digits

two hundred thousand nine hundred and seventy
Divide 200, 900 by 105 to get 1913. 333
So multiply 105 by 1914 to get 200970

After the equation 2x2 = 8 is transformed into general form, the coefficient of quadratic term is______ The coefficient of the first term is______ The constant term is______ .

Move the right term to the left to get: 2x2-8 = 0  the coefficient of the quadratic term is: 2, the coefficient of the primary term is: 0, and the constant term is: - 8. So the answers are: 2, 0, - 8

What is the constant term and what is the coefficient of the highest order term

The term without letters in a polynomial is called a constant term
The coefficient of the binomial with the highest degree in a polynomial is called the coefficient of the highest degree
For example, in 5xy ^ 3 + 8xy + 9, 9 is a constant term, and the coefficient of the highest order term is 5

Mathematics of grade one: what is called several times and several formula terms? Coefficient of the highest order term? Two examples of constant term are best! Thank you

Several times is the highest degree of each term in a polynomial, and which term has the highest degree is the highest degree term. Several terms refer to several terms in a polynomial; constant terms refer to terms without letters. 3x ^ 2 + 4Y ^ 4-12 is a 4-degree 3-term formula, and - 12 is the constant of this multi term formula; 6x ^ 2-3 / 2Z ^ 4 + x ^ 2Z ^ 4 + 3 is a 6-degree 4-term formula, and 3 is the constant of this polynomial

Excuse me: what is the coefficient, the number of terms, the constant term, and the term with the highest number of times? Give two or three examples!
What is the coefficient of 3x squared - 5 / 2 of X-2

Let's just give an example
1. Y = a + BX + CX square + DX cubic
In this equation, where x and y are unknowns, a is a constant term, B, C and D are coefficients, and DX3 (the third power of DX) is the term with the highest degree
2. Here is the binary equation
Y = 1 + 2x + 3x square + 4x cubic
1 is the constant term, 2,3,4 is the coefficient, and 4x is the highest degree term
3. The following is the equation of one variable
1 + 2x + 3x square + 4x cubic = 0
1 is the constant term, 2,3,4 is the coefficient, and 4x is the highest degree term
The coefficient of your equation depends on which term is the coefficient of (x) or the coefficient of (x square). The coefficient of x square is 3 and the coefficient of X is 1

Write out a quadratic binomial that meets the requirements. If the coefficient of quadratic term is 1 and the constant term is - 6, it can be______ .

∵ for the quadratic binomial of X, the coefficient of the quadratic term is 1, the quadratic term is X2, and the constant term is - 6, then the quadratic binomial, x2-6, so the answer is: x2-6

For a quadratic trinomial of a, if the number of quadratic terms is 2 and the coefficients of both the constant term and the first term are negative 3, then the quadratic trinomial is?
For a quadratic trinomial of a, if the number of quadratic terms is 2 and the coefficients of both the constant term and the first term are negative 3, then the quadratic trinomial is ()
The turnover of a shopping mall in April is x million yuan. The turnover in May is 100000 yuan more than that in April. If the turnover of the shopping mall in the second quarter is 4 million yuan, then the turnover in June is () million yuan. The actual meaning of this formula is ()

The turnover in June is 100000 yuan less than that in April

-What are the number of times and terms of 2abc-0.3a + 25 / 5, the coefficient of the first term and the constant term

Constant term: 25 / 5; coefficient of first term: - 0.3

The square of X + XY XZ YZ

Original formula = x (x + y) - Z (x + y)

If the square of x plus the square of y plus the square of Z = XY + YZ + XZ, the triangle is ()

X = y = Z, a triangle with X, y, Z as sides is an equilateral triangle