How many days are there in February 1996? How many days are there in 1997? How many days are there in February 2008?

How many days are there in February 1996? How many days are there in 1997? How many days are there in February 2008?

February in 1996 and 2008 had 29 days of leap months, and February in 1997 had 28 days
I hope it will help you a little

How many days have passed from February 16, 1990 to August 25, 2008?

6765 days

How many days are there in February 2008?

2008 is a leap year
The leap year is divisible by four
Leap years have 28 days
[wrong classification, it should be mathematics]
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In natural numbers 1-20, odd numbers have even numbers and multiples of 5, that is, multiples of 2 and multiples of 5

In natural numbers 1-20,
Odd numbers have 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19
Even numbers are 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
The multiples of 5 are 5, 10, 15 and 20
It's a multiple of two, it's a multiple of five, it's 10, 20

In the natural numbers from 1 to 100, find out all even numbers and all odd numbers that are not only multiples of 3 but also multiples of 5

Even number: 30, 60, 90
Odd: 15, 45, 75

Is the sum of three continuous natural numbers a multiple of 3? What about the sum of three consecutive odd or even numbers?

For example, the sum of 0, 1 and 2 is a multiple of 3, and the sum of 1, 2 and 3 is a multiple of 3, so the sum of three consecutive natural numbers is a multiple of 3; for another example, the sum of 1, 3 and 5 is a multiple of 3, and the sum of 3, 5 and 7 is a multiple of 3; so the sum of three consecutive odd numbers is a multiple of 3; the sum of 0, 2 and 4 is a multiple of 3, and the sum of 2, 4 and 6 are three numbers The sum of is a multiple of 3; so the sum of three consecutive even numbers is a multiple of 3

Write a program to verify: any natural number n cube is equal to the sum of N consecutive odd numbers

We know that the power is derived from multiplication, and multiplication is derived from the addition of several identical numbers. In this way, we can change the cube of n into the sum of N numbers, that is, the cube of n = the square of N + the square of N + the square of n

The sum of 32 consecutive natural numbers is 1136, and the sum of odd numbers in these 32 natural numbers is?

Let the first term of the sequence of 32 numbers be x, then the last term is x + 31
(x + X + 31) * 32 / 2 = 1136, x = 20
There are 16 odd numbers in 32 continuous natural numbers,
The first one is 21, and the last one is 20 + 31 = 51
So the sum of them is (21 + 51) * 16 / 2 = 576

If there are two equations, each of which has only one unknown number, and the two unknowns are different, if they are combined, can they be regarded as quadratic equations of two variables

Yes, of course, it's a quadratic equation of two variables. For example: x + 9 = 15, y + 6 = 17
The combination is that x + y = 17 is a quadratic equation of two variables, but x and y have many solutions

Contains only______ Unknowns, and the highest number of unknowns is______ The integral equation of one variable is called quadratic equation

According to the definition of univariate quadratic equation, it is known that an integral equation with only one unknown number and the highest degree of the unknown number is 2 is called univariate quadratic equation