A number plus 40% of it is 7.8. To find this number, use the equation

A number plus 40% of it is 7.8. To find this number, use the equation

Let this number be X

What is the quotient of 6 / 5 times of 12 plus 3 / 5 and 9 / 10? The ratio of a number to 5 / 9 is equal to 3 / 4 of 28

1. 10% of a number is equal to 5 times of 3.5
2. The number of a is four fifths of 80, and 60% of B is 1.2. How many times is the number of a?

1 、 3.5*5/10%=175
2. A: 64 B: 2 is 32 times

Eight times of a number plus 27 is 11 times of the number. The number is ()

Eight times of a number plus 27 is 11 times of the number. The number is (9)
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2 / 3 times of a number is equal to the product of 9 / 4 and 5 / 2

A: that's 135 out of 16
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1. 40% of a number is 5 less than 2 / 9 of 63. What is the sum of the quotient of 2.3.2 divided by 6.4 plus the product of 3.2 and 1 / 8?


1+2+3+4+5+7+6+9+8+6+3+5+7+89+1+2+45+78+65 +1+1+1+1+21+34+5+1+2+4+56+6=?


Simple calculation of 650 times 56 plus 560 times 35

650 by 56 plus 560 by 35

A simple method of 65 * 32 + 65 * 27 + 65 * 96 -- 65 * 57 + 56

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If you multiply a number by 8, you get 56 more than the original number. What's the original number?

The number obtained by multiplying the original number by 8 is 7 times larger than the original number, so the formula is 56 / (8-1) = 8, that is, the original number is 8