(141373.1016 + 5x) / (29852 + x) = 4.8 what is x equal to? We need a formula one hundred and ninety-five point five six one zero six one

(141373.1016 + 5x) / (29852 + x) = 4.8 what is x equal to? We need a formula one hundred and ninety-five point five six one zero six one

2 / 5x-8 = 20-3 / 4x
Find x equal to

Multiply by 20x
I hope my answer can help you, if you have any questions continue to ask



23 of a number is 5 more than half of it. What's the number?

5 △ 23-12 = 5 △ 16 = 30. A: this number is 30

Ask a math problem: the sum of one half of a number and one sixth of it is 15. Find the number, the equation!

Let this number be x, then the equation is 1 / 2x + 1 / 6x = 15
The solution is x = 22.5

Four seventh of a number is three-thirds more than one-half of it

Let this number be X

The sum of a number and 4.85 is 14 1 / 2. Find the equation

The solution is x = 14.5-4.85

1. One third of a number is 25 less than one-half of the number. Find the number


One half of the number a is 90, and the number a is one fifth of the number B. how much is the number B. set up the solution of the equation

Let B be X
X of 5 = 90 △ 1 of 2
5 x = 180

8 times of what number. 35 more than himself. Find this number equation and process

Eight times what. 35 more than himself
8 times what number - oneself = 35, namely 7 times what number = 35
7x (what number) = 35
So what number is 35 divided by 7 equals 5