-2X + 3 = - 10 + 8x x equals Write a detailed problem solving process

-2X + 3 = - 10 + 8x x equals Write a detailed problem solving process


If the 2x power of ten equals 25, what is the negative x power of ten?,

The 2x power of 10 is equal to 25. Find out what the - x power of 10 is equal to

The 2x power of 10 is equal to 25, which can be transformed into the 2x power of 10 multiplied by the 2x power of 10, that is, the x power of 10 is equal to 5. Because 10 ″ 0, the x power of 10 ″ 0, so the x power of 10 is not equal to - 5. The - x power of 10 is equal to 1 / 10 x power, which is equal to 1 / 5?