The sum of the numerator and denominator of a true fraction is 60. The numerator and denominator divided by 10 are 6 and the simplest true fraction. What is the fraction

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a true fraction is 60. The numerator and denominator divided by 10 are 6 and the simplest true fraction. What is the fraction

The sum of the numerator and denominator of a true fraction is 60. When the numerator and denominator are divided by 10, they are 6 and the simplest true fraction,
The score is 10 / 50

For a fraction, the sum of its numerator and denominator is 33, and the score value is 4 / 7. This fraction is () a simplest fraction, and the sum of its numerator and denominator is 1
The sum of the numerator and denominator of a simplest fraction is 13. Such a fraction has ()
A 5 B 3 C 6

1. Let the numerator be 4x, the denominator be 7x, 7x + 4x = 33, x = 3, and the fraction be 12 / 21
2. Let the numerator be x and the denominator be y, x + y = 13, X

If one is added to the numerator, the value of the simplest fraction is equal to one third; if the denominator of the simplest fraction is subtracted from the numerator, the value of the fraction is equal to one third

If one is added to the numerator of a simplest fraction, the fractional value is equal to one third; if one is subtracted from the denominator of the simplest fraction, the fractional value is equal to one fourth. What is the fraction?