>What is the power of the sign Finding the integer solution of the equation 1 xy-x-y=2 2 x-Y+2Y-6=0

>What is the power of the sign Finding the integer solution of the equation 1 xy-x-y=2 2 x-Y+2Y-6=0

1 (x,y)=(4,2)/(2,4)
2 (x,y)=(3,3)

The symbolic problem of factorization
When the base number becomes its opposite number, if the index is even, then the sign in front of the item is -- if the index is odd, then the sign in front of the item is -- if only the position of the item in the base number is exchanged, then the sign in front of the item is always --

When the base becomes its opposite, if the index is even, the sign in front of the item is positive; if the index is odd, the sign in front of the item is negative; if only the position of the item in the base is exchanged, the sign in front of the item remains unchanged

When 5xy divided by 2x minus y equals 2, what is the value of the algebraic formula 2x minus y divided by 10xy? What is the value of the algebraic formula 15xy divided by 6x minus 3Y

So (2x-y) / 5xy = 1 / 2
So (2x-y) / 10xy = 1 / 4
Multiply by 3

Question 1: 3Y equals 4 plus x, 2x plus 5Y equals - 19, minus 19, what are x and y,
Question 2: 2x plus 3Y equals 7, 3x minus 5Y equals 1, what are x and y,

First question:
Formula 1: 3Y = 4 + X
Formula 2: 2x + 5Y = - 19
From Formula 1, we get: x = 3y-4 substituting formula 2, we get: y = - 1 substituting Formula 1, we get x = - 7
Second question:
Formula ①: 2x + 3Y = 7
Formula 2: 3x-5y = 1
① It is concluded that: 19x = 38, that is, x = 2 is substituted into formula ① to get y = 1

Given the equation system 2x + 5Y + 4Z = 1 2x + 3y-3 = 0, then the value of formula x + Y-Z is

2x+5y+4z=1 (1)
2x+3y-3=0 (1)

Given the system of equations 2x-3y + 5Z = 7 x + 2y-3z = 8, then 4x + Y-Z=

2x-3y+5z=7 (1)
x+2y-3z=8 (2)
(2) * 2 + (1)

+If the absolute value of 3 + the square of (Y-2) = 0, then what is 205 of (y + x)

∵ x + 3 + (Y-2) & ∵ 178; = 0
∴x+3=0 y-2=0
∴x=-3 y=2
The 2005 power of (y + x) = (- 1) the 2005 power of (y + x) = - 1

If the absolute value of the square of (x-3) plus (Y-1) plus the square of Z equals zero, find the square of (X-Y) plus (Y-Z) plus (z-x)
If the absolute value of the square of (x-3) plus the square of (Y-1) plus the square of Z is equal to zero, find the value of one-half of the result after the square of (X-Y) plus the square of (Y-Z) plus the square of (z-x)

The sum of squares is always greater than or equal to 0

The domain, range and image of y = the square of the absolute value of X - 2 times the absolute value of X - 3

y=|x|^2-2*|x|-3=(|x|-1)^2-4 ≥-4
The definition field is R and the value field is [- 4, + ∞)
The image is as follows:

If the absolute value of 1 / x-x = 1, then the absolute value of 1 / x + x =?
Help those who will!

So | 1 / x + X | = √ 5