Minus three and a half times minus two and a third equals?

Minus three and a half times minus two and a third equals?

eight and one-sixth

The following sets are represented by Description: {1,1 / 2,1 / 3,1 / 4}


If a > 0 and B < 0, the result of simplifying | 6-5b | + | 8b-1 | - | 3a-2b |, is ()
A. 3a+b+5B. 3a-11b+7C. -3a+5b+5D. -3a-11b+7



Look at the number in the following column: - 1, half, - 1 / 3, quarter, - 1 / 5. What is the number in 2010?

One in 2010

(1 times 2 times 3 times... Times 2005) × (negative half) times (negative third). (the title is as follows)
(1 * 2 * 3 * 4. * 2005) * (1 / 2) times (1 / 3) times (1 / 4) times. Times (1 / 2005)

(1 * 2 * 3 * 4. * 2005) * (1 / 2) times (1 / 3) times (1 / 4) times. Times (1 / 2005)
---------------------------------------------------2004 (- 1) from 2 to 2005

() = () () by half = () () by one third
Only 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 can be filled in brackets and cannot be repeated

192 = (1/2) * 384 = (1/3) * 576
219 = (1/2) * 438 = (1/3) * 657
273 = (1/2) * 546 = (1/3) * 819
327 = (1/2) * 654 = (1/3) * 981

One third of a number is twelve less than one half of it. What's the number?

One third of a number is twelve less than one half of it

One third of a number is two less than one-half of the number. The number is


If one third of a number is less than one half of it, what is the number