If you add a number to the numerator and denominator of 5 / 23 at the same time, it will be about 2 / 3. What's the number

If you add a number to the numerator and denominator of 5 / 23 at the same time, it will be about 2 / 3. What's the number

Add a number to 5 / 23 numerator and denominator at the same time, and the difference between denominator and numerator remains unchanged
So the number is 31

The sum of 25 plus 23 is 37. The number is ()
A. 35B. 24C. 150

Let this number be X. from the meaning of the question, we can get: 25X + 23 = 37 & nbsp; & nbsp; 25X = 14 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 35

A set of data: 47 50 52 53 51 find out the median number of this group

From small to large or from large to small,
When the number is odd, choose the number in the middle,
When the number is even, choose the average of the middle two, so it's 52