1. Simple calculation of {1 - (half quarter)} by two thirds 2.20000 divided by 12.5 divided by 25 divided by 0.8 divided by 4 3.38 times quarter + 17 times 0.25 plus 45 times 25% Simple calculation of 4.2.78 times 7.8 + 2.78 times 3.2-2.78

1. Simple calculation of {1 - (half quarter)} by two thirds 2.20000 divided by 12.5 divided by 25 divided by 0.8 divided by 4 3.38 times quarter + 17 times 0.25 plus 45 times 25% Simple calculation of 4.2.78 times 7.8 + 2.78 times 3.2-2.78

2. 20000/12.5/25/0.8/4=20000/(12.5*0.8)/(25*4)=20000/10/100=20 3. 38*(1/4)+17*0.25+45*25%=(38+17+45)*0.25=100*0.25=254. 2.78*7.8+2.78+3.2-2.78=2.78*(7.8+3.2-1)=2.78*10=27.8