What is six eighths plus five eighths

What is six eighths plus five eighths


How much is a discount of 5, 3 and 1 yuan for 120 yuan?

50% off 60 yuan, 3% off 36 yuan and 1% off 12 yuan

How many points do you wait for? How many points is 7 yuan

Fifty cents is fifty cents, and seven dollars is seventy cents

How much is 5% of 100 yuan? 5 yuan or 50 yuan
What about 5% of 36521 yuan?
How to calculate on calculator

5 yuan, such conversion: 100 × 5% = 100 × 0.05 = 5
36521 yuan: 36521 × 5% = 36521 × 0.05 = 1826.05

How much RMB is 5 yuan in Canada


How many ten thousand yuan is one yuan
How to convert between Yuan and ten thousand yuan
Anyway, I don't know/
But I still have to ask
Ten thousand yuan is equal to a few yuan


How much is 12000 yuan?


The area of Tiananmen Square is about 44 (), which is the largest square in the world
A. Square meters B. hectares C. square kilometers

Tiananmen Square, with an area of about 44 hectares, is the largest square in the world

The area of the Forbidden City is 720000 square meters, 160000 square meters less than that of Tiananmen Square. How many square meters is Tiananmen Square?

If the area of Tiananmen Square is x 10000 square meters, then: 2x-16 = 72, & nbsp; & nbsp; 2x = 88, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 44; a: the area of Tiananmen Square is 440000 square meters

The cover area of mathematics textbook is about 4 decimeters______ (judge right or wrong)

The cover area of mathematics textbook is about 4 square decimeters