119 meters long and 93 meters wide, how many Mu are they

119 meters long and 93 meters wide, how many Mu are they

"Mu" is a commonly used unit to measure land area, now it is still used in rural areas, rarely seen in textbooks;
119 × 93 △ 667 ≈ 16.6 (MU)

20 / 3 is greater than 6, less than 6, or equal to 6

So it's more than six

What number multiplied by 6 equals 3 / 20


What number multiplied by 6 equals 3 / 20

3 / 20 divided by 6 = 1 / 40

0.6 is a fraction of 20

0.6 is 12 out of 20

How many Mu is 140 meters long and 13 meters wide

140 * 13 = 1820 square meters = 1820 * 0.0015 = 2.73 Mu

What's 50-20, please?

This. I feel dizzy
The answer is 30

50% reduction equals 20%

50 minus (60)% equals 20

How much is 20 yuan and 50 Jiao

50 Jiao = 5 yuan, 20 yuan + 5 yuan = 25 yuan

How much is fifty plus twenty

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