Is length times width times height equal to square It's 14 meters long, 7.5 meters wide and 6 meters high. How many square meters do you calculate for me

Is length times width times height equal to square It's 14 meters long, 7.5 meters wide and 6 meters high. How many square meters do you calculate for me

Length times width times height is volume. It's cubic, that's m3
Cubic = 14 * 7.5 * 6 = 630m3
Square: length 14 meters, width 7.5 meters, square = 14 * 7.5 = 105 M2
Width 7.5 m, height 6 m, square = 7.5 * 6 = 45 M2
Length 14 m, height 6 m, square = 14 * 6 = 84 M2

A natural number is divided by 1, 5 by 3, and 7 by 5. What is the natural number?
When a natural number is divided by 3 to over 1, 5 to less 3, and 7 to less 5, what is the minimum natural number?

"Menglin" and "Yizi"
A natural number divided by 3 over 1, is more than 1
Then the number should be 37
Here's what I listed:
The numbers that divide 3 into 1 are: 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37
The numbers that divide 5 by 3 are: 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27, 32, 37
Divide 7 by 5: 2, 9, 16, 28, 35, 37
If it is said in the title that the number divided by 3 and more than 1 means "less" 1, then the number is 2, no need to calculate
Are you right? Good luck. Goodbye

Square of 1 + square of 2 + square of 3 + Square of n = (1 / 6) n * (n + 1) * (2n + 1) why?
The derivation of this formula can also be explained in detail with examples

It can be proved by mathematical induction
Proof: when n = 1, left = 1, right = 1, hold
Let n = k, (k belongs to n *) 1 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 2 +. + K ^ 2 = k * (K + 1) * (2k + 1) / 6
Then when n = K + 1, 1 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 2 +... + K ^ 2 + (K + 1) ^ 2 = k * (K + 1) * (2k + 1) / 6 + (K + 1) ^ 2
= (k+1)(2k^2+7k+6)/6
= (k+1)(k+2)(2k+3)/6
=(K + 1) [(K + 1) + 1] [2 (K + 1) + 1] / 6 is obviously true
So the equation holds

-Factorization of 1 / 2n square + 2m square


Square factorization of 1 / 2 m square-2n

Square of 1 / 2 m - square of 2n
=1 / 2 (M & # 178; - 4N & # 178;)
=1 / 2 (M + 2n) (m-2n)

If n is a positive number, then 1 + 3 + 5. + (2n + 1) =?

1 + 3 + 5. + (2n + 1) = (n + 1) square

(3 + 1) (quadratic power of 3 + 1) (quartic power of 3 + 1) (octave power of 3 + 1)... (2n power of 3 + 1)

Write the formula as (3-1) * (3 + 1) * (3 ^ 2 + 1) (3 ^ 2n + 1) divided by (3-1), and then use the square difference formula continuously

(2 + 1) * (2 square + 1) * (2 quartic power + 1) * (2 octave power + 1) ···············································································

(2 + 1) * (2 square + 1) * (2 quartic power + 1) * (2 octave power + 1) ····································· = (2-1) (2 + 1) * (2 square + 1) * (2 quartic power + 1) * (2 octave power + 1) ············································ = (2 & # 178; - 1) (2 & # 178

According to the meaning of the following sentences, use the word "Shi" to make up three different words and fill in the brackets
In the face of the enemy, we can not (), let alone (), this is a problem that can not be ()

In the face of the enemy, we can't (despise), let alone (despise). This is a problem that can't be ignored

According to the meaning of the following sentences, use "Shi" to form four different words, and then add them into the brackets
See ()
In the face of the enemy, we can't (), but should (). This is a problem that must not be ignored
Different, big brothers and big sisters!

In the face of the enemy, we should not (despise) but (attach importance to). This is a problem that can not be ignored and must arouse everyone's attention