Use the words below and choose the right words to fill in the sentences Push () 1. Through the analysis of drilling holes in Martian rocks, it is further confirmed that there was water on Mars

Use the words below and choose the right words to fill in the sentences Push () 1. Through the analysis of drilling holes in Martian rocks, it is further confirmed that there was water on Mars

Inference. There is a word "further" in a sentence. It is better to infer than to infer

5、 Use "ran" to make words and fill in the following sentences
The weather forecast says it's going to rain this morning, and it's going to rain after nine o'clock
2. Wegener's discovery of continental drift seems to be the result of his long-term observation, research and thinking

Sure enough, by chance

Connect with the following sentences and use the word "Jing" to form different words in brackets
The snowflakes outside the window are flying, and the room looks very ()
The soft moonlight shines on his face
In the evening of March, there was a lot of traffic on the avenue by the river
Usually, I study hard, so every time I take an exam, my heart is always ()

The snowflakes outside the window are flying, and the room looks very quiet
Soft moonlight on his face
In the evening of March, the avenue by the river is very quiet
Usually, I study hard, so I always feel calm when I take an exam

Fill in the blanks
() morning
() night
() room

A quiet morning
A (quiet) night
A (quiet) room

Connect with the following sentences and use the word "Jing" to form different words in brackets
1. In case of emergency, we should be careful not to panic
2. A few barks of the dog set off the sound of the night
3. After taking the medicine, the child's breathing is even and ()
4. When the bell rings, the classroom comes down
5. The moon shines on the blind girl's face

1. In case of emergency, we should be extra calm and don't panic
2. A few barks of dogs set off the tranquility of the night
3. After taking the medicine, the child's breathing is even and calm
When the bell rings, the classroom is quiet
5. The moon shines on the face of the blind girl

The basic logic structure in the corresponding diagram of conditional statement is () a sequence structure B selection structure c loop structure D output structure

Selection structure

The three basic logical structures of the algorithm are sequence structure, condition structure, what other structure, please say, very urgent

Cyclic structure

A detailed explanation of the grammatical structure of this sentence
I find myself in China where I met my life

Subject + time adverbial + predicate + object + place adverbial + attributive clause
Attributive clauses modify China
Don't make the problem too complicated~

The general term in the sequence is constructed by the method of construction, and the people of the Qing Dynasty used the popular language to point out
The main problem is that an + 1 (plus one is the lower subscript) = QaN + P. to construct an + 1 (lower subscript) + M = q (an + m) is this m. what can we use to determine how much it will add? Please explain this problem in detail
Given that the sequence {an} satisfies A1 = a, the term an + 1 is equal to (4N + 6) an + 4N + 10 of 2n + 1 (n is a positive integer), judge whether the sequence {an + 2 of 2n + 1} is an equal ratio sequence? If not, please explain the reason; if not, ask for a general term
How to use the construction method?
30 more points for satisfaction
Given that the sequence {an} satisfies A1 = a, an + 1 (subscript) = (4N + 6) an + 4N + 10 (n belongs to positive integer) / 2n + 1, judge whether the sequence an + 2 (not subscript) / 2n + 1 is equal ratio sequence? If not, please explain the reason; if not, ask for a general item

This is simple, change the original formula an + 1 = QaN + P to an + 1 (lower subscript) + M = q (an + m)
Then qm-m = P, M = P / (Q-1)
For example, if an = 3an-1 + 2, let an + M = 3 (an-1 + m)
The solution is m = 1
The following question is not clear, please point out
What is an + 2 of 2n + 1

The article structure of the illusion of sunset, the order of explanation, the method of explanation, and the language of expository text

The reason for the illusion at sunset is dark yellow, scarlet light scattering and the mysterious dark arc of light wave length principle. There is a bright arc outside the dark arc. The curvature of the earth's surface and atmosphere, light scattering, different atmospheric density. The combination effect of the charming purple eyes in the western sky should be close to the horizon when the sun becomes flat