How to convert square meters into square feet

How to convert square meters into square feet

One meter is converted into three feet
One square meter is converted into nine square feet

How to calculate the ceiling in the living room? Is it calculated by meter or square? Is square calculated by expanded area? How much is the general wage for the ceiling in the living room?

Generally speaking, it is calculated by meter, and the width is generally 40cm. If it is calculated by square, the owner will suffer a loss. The labor cost of each place is different, depending on the type of work, the daily price of large or small workers in each place

What is the relationship between the wall area of a house and the square of the house? For example, how much is the wall area of a 100 square house and how to estimate it?

The ratio of the expanded area of the wall surface to the building area is about 2.5 ∶ 1. If the ceiling area is included, it is about 3.5 ∶ 1. However, this is not always true. It has a great relationship with the room type and storey height. This is the case with ordinary residential buildings