Tile inclined, for example, 300 * 300 6 square! How to calculate how many whole tiles, how many triangle? Specific formula!

Tile inclined, for example, 300 * 300 6 square! How to calculate how many whole tiles, how many triangle? Specific formula!

There is no formula, the best thing is to draw a sketch at a glance. As for the triangular plate, it is estimated according to the drawing, generally 2% more

How can 300 * 300 * 450 and 300 * 600 floor tiles be counted as one square meter

Each 300 * 300 brick is 0.09 m2, each 300 * 450 brick is 0.135 m2, and each 300 * 600 brick is 0.18 m2. If you want to calculate the price, dividing the price of each brick by the number of square meters of each brick is not the unit price of square meters. Businessmen generally like to sell at the price of each brick, which sounds that the price is not high. Of course, when they sell, they also sell by block

How many square meters is 40 cm by 40 cm floor tile equal to
