How much is it that the root sign 25 times the second power of the negative fifth of the root sign minus the second power of the negative sixth of the root sign multiplied by the third of the root sign? Trouble you. Please give us more advice. Too. Difficult

How much is it that the root sign 25 times the second power of the negative fifth of the root sign minus the second power of the negative sixth of the root sign multiplied by the third of the root sign? Trouble you. Please give us more advice. Too. Difficult

Original formula = 5 * 1 / 5-6 * 1 / 6 = 0
When calculating, first calculate the number in the root sign, and then open the root sign;

10.4 addition and subtraction of the square of X + the square of Y - 8x-10y + 41 = 0 to find X / Y-Y / X

Square of X + square of y-8x-10y + 41 = 0
Square of (x-4) + square of (Y-5) = 0
X/Y-Y/X =-9/20

It is known that if the square of X + the square of Y + 8x + 10Y + 41 = 0, then the value of Y / X of the root sign + X / y of the root sign

The solution is {x = - 4, y = - 5
Y of radical x + X of radical y