How to use the alternating current formula?

How to use the alternating current formula?

1. Voltage instantaneous value E = EMSin ω T, current instantaneous value I = imsin ω T; (ω = 2 π f) 2. Electromotive force peak value EM = NBS, ω = 2blv, current peak value (in pure resistance circuit) Im = EM / R total 3. Effective value of sine (cosine) alternating current: e = EM / (2) 1 / 2; u = um / (2) 1 / 2; I = im / (2) 1 / 2 4

Is the average value expression of alternating current 1 / 2bsw

It is not necessary to know the expression of alternating current. If it is a function of sin or cos, the expression of average value is

Conversion of angular velocity unit in instantaneous expression of alternating current
It is known that the expression of instantaneous value of alternating current is I = 3.11sin (314T) A. the time from t = 0 to the maximum value of the first current is 0.005s
How can the rad / s of angular velocity be converted to frequency and period? I haven't learned it for a long time

The maximum value is 3.11 when sin (314T) = 1. The first time is when t = {2n π + π / 2} / 314. N = 0, t = 0.005