Is calculus Newton's first invention of Leibniz? I heard that Leibniz came first, because Britain was more developed than Germany at that time, and backward Germany had to give in. Although there were many disputes in history, who was it?

Is calculus Newton's first invention of Leibniz? I heard that Leibniz came first, because Britain was more developed than Germany at that time, and backward Germany had to give in. Although there were many disputes in history, who was it?

Newton used it first. He used calculus to solve problems according to the background of physics. Leibniz completely defined the operation of calculus and made derivation, which is basically the same as the calculus we used

How to understand Engels said: calculus was completed by Newton and Leibniz, not invented by them

In ancient times, the method of cutting circle used to calculate pi is a form of calculus. Therefore, calculus appeared very early, but Newton and others completed the systematic elaboration of calculus, and widely used in various fields, such as astrophysics

Newton's calculus symbol and indefinite integral symbol are not Leibniz's
Please know my friends are not stingy to give me advice!

Newton's differential sign is to add a point on y, and the number of points is the order. I don't know his integral sign until now

What is the speed of light and sound?

The internationally recognized value of light speed is C = 299792458 M / s
The speed of sound is 340m / s

What will it look like after exceeding the speed of light
Some people say that stars are far away from the earth. For example, they are 100000 light-years away from you. What you see now is actually what they looked like 100000 years ago, because it took 100000 years for the light you saw to reach your eyes
Well, the star we see now is actually a star 100000 years ago. If the star we see now suddenly disappears and no longer exists, can we still see the light emitted before it disappears in 100000 years? Light has to walk on the road for 100000 years, and the light source is gone,
(no matter what the frame of reference is, the speed of light does not change. This is the basic theorem.) although the speed of light is the fastest and can not be surpassed, some people say that beyond the speed of light, time will go back. Why does time go back? Can some people make it clear that there is no truth to tell me,

Now, in theory, nothing can exceed the speed of light. This is the premise. Next, I want to answer your question: 1. The stars we see now (according to the distance of 100000 light-years you said), the light they emit, the force they exert on us, that is to say, all the effects they have on us are 100000 light-years ago

It's impossible for something with mass to travel faster than light, because e = MC2, so it needs impossible energy
Can we do something without quality, surpass the speed of light, and then transmit information?
It's like having a transmitter and a receiver, and then there's a disaster, and sending a message to the past, and then people have evacuated before... I think it's possible because according to the conservation of energy, it's possible that a signal of 0 or 1 can be transmitted to the past

It's possible to exceed the speed of light, but the speed of information transmission can't exceed the speed of light now

Must light travel faster than sound
I remember when I was in middle school, I learned that the sound is about 340m / s in the air
The velocity of light in vacuum is about 3.0 × 10 ^ 8m / s, while the velocity of light in vacuum is about 2.0 × 10 ^ 8m / s
Speed of light in glass: 2.0 × 10 ^ 8m / S
Light seems to be transmitted by electromagnetic waves
The sound is transmitted by the medium. It seems that the higher the density, the greater the speed
Is there any special condition where the speed of sound is greater than the speed of light!
Such as super magnetic field, gravity, density and so on!
(don't talk about places like iron where light can't spread)

The essence of light is a kind of electromagnetic wave, and also a kind of material wave. Unlike sound, light does not have to rely on the medium to spread. On the contrary, the so-called medium will only hinder the propagation of light, and sound can not spread without medium! As long as light can spread, the speed of light is always far greater than the speed of sound!

Applying the gravitational formula of planets between satellites and Newton's law of motion, it is proved that the ratio of the third power of orbit radius to the second power of revolution period is a constant, that is, R ^ 3 / T ^ 2 = K

For any satellite in circular orbit
Gravitation f = GMM / R ^ 2
Centripetal force F = MV ^ 2 / R
Centripetal force comes from gravity, so
GMm/r^2 = mv^2/r
GM/r = v^2
GM/r = (2πr/T)^2
GM/4π^2 = r^3/T^2
So R ^ 3 / T ^ 2 = constant

Please summarize the basic knowledge of Newton's law of motion

1. Newton's first law: all objects always keep the state of uniform linear motion or static state until it is forced to change this state by external force. The main points of understanding Newton's first law are: (1) motion is an attribute of an object, and the motion of an object does not need force to maintain; (2) it qualitatively reveals the relationship between motion and force

On Newton's law of motion
The mass relation between two objects a and B is Ma > MB, let them fall from the same height at the same time, if the resistance in motion is equal ()
A. The accelerations of the two objects are not equal and reach the ground at the same time
B. The accelerations of the two objects are not equal. A reaches the ground first
C. The accelerations of the two objects are equal and reach the ground at the same time
D. The acceleration of the two objects is equal. A wants to reach the ground
The answer is (b)
And Galileo said that if there are two big stones and one small stone falling from the top of the tower, then according to people's experience at that time, the heavy stones must fall first. Then if these two stones are tied together to let them fall, according to this experience, If two stones are heavier than one, they will fall faster. But if you think about it in reverse, the big stone will fall faster than the small stone. If you tie them together, they will fall slower because of the influence of the small stone
In this way, according to the previous experience [heavy physical falling faster], it is concluded that the falling speed of two stones is different. Therefore, it is proved that [heavy physical falling faster] is a paradox

A = f / m. A = (m * G-F) / M = G-F / m, because Ma > MB, f resistance is equal, so f / MA