The pressure on the lower surface of the board is equal to the buoyancy f = f floating = 6N?

The pressure on the lower surface of the board is equal to the buoyancy f = f floating = 6N?

If you take the lower surface as a whole and the upper surface as another whole, then it is equivalent to the interaction of three whole bodies including water, and the bottom surface sandwiched in the middle is in balance, so the pressure is equal to the buoyancy and the two forces are in balance

The buoyancy pressure difference method has f floating = f up - f down, but the teacher said it is also equal to f down - f up. These two formulas are indistinct. I hope they can be explained in detail, and the usage and difference can be found

The two formulas are exactly the same, f up = f down, which means that the upward pressure is the pressure under the object
Repeat: the upward pressure on the object is the pressure on the lower part of the object
There is no need to distinguish

Calculation of buoyancy method, pressure difference method: F floating = f up - f down what does it mean, the meaning of each letter a proof process, hydraulic press: closed
Calculation of buoyancy, pressure difference method: F floating = f up - f down, the meaning of each letter, a proof process
Hydraulic press: the internal pressure of the liquid in the closed container can be transferred in all directions, S1 / S2 = F1 / F2
The area ratio is equal to the pressure ratio
Pulley: V rope = NV,
Attack: there are three situations without attack. Force is perpendicular to distance
Power: P = Fv (instantaneous power)
What is interaction force?
Calculation of buoyancy, pressure difference method: F floating = f up - f down, the meaning of each letter, a proof process
Hydraulic press: the internal pressure of the liquid in the closed container can be transferred in all directions, S1 / S2 = F1 / F2
The area ratio is equal to the pressure ratio
Pulley: V rope = NV,
Attack: there are three situations without attack. Force is perpendicular to distance
Power: P = Fv (instantaneous power)
What is interaction force?
If there is something I didn't express clearly, you can ask,
I still have 50 points in my bag. I'll give them together

The formula is wrong. Downward f is gravity, the pressure of water on the upper surface of an object, and upward f is the supporting force of water on the lower surface of an object

On the formula of buoyancy
More specific

F = ρ GV row. ρ is the density of the liquid, and V row is the volume of the liquid. For example, all entering V row = the volume of the object, floating in the liquid is only the volume invading into the liquid

Finding the formula of physical buoyancy
1. Electricity 1kW * 1000 * 3600 seconds = (what is the result and what is the unit)
2. Buoyancy P water (density) * g * V * H (depth) = (what is obtained and what is the unit)
Are 1 and 2 the same thing?
P water is density, G is gravity, V is volume, h is depth
Isn't PGV buoyancy? Isn't the unit of force Newton?
Isn't pgvh work? Shouldn't the unit be Joule?
I may be a little confused. What I want in the end is the formula and formula in joules

Is ρ ghv, in J, the work of buoyancy?
KW, K is lowercase, W is person's name, capital

All the formulas of physical buoyancy should be more detailed, including various situations

Suppose there's an object in water,
F floating = f lower surface - f upper surface
=G drainage
When the object is suspended on the liquid (when there is no external force), f floating = g object
A little explanation:
(1) H 2 is the distance from the lower surface of the cube to the water surface, H 1 is the distance from the upper surface of the cube to the water surface, and Δ h is the height of the cube
(2) "F floating = ρ liquid GV discharge = g discharge" is the most important
Derivation of the formula of F floating = ρ liquid GV discharge: buoyancy = gravity of the discharged liquid - f floating = g discharge = m discharge &; g = ρ liquid GV discharge
(3) Give the condition of sinking and floating (solid object)
ρ matter > ρ liquid, sinking, G matter > F floating
ρ matter = ρ liquid, suspended, G matter = f floating (the basic object is hollow)
ρ matter < ρ liquid, floating, (floating after static) g matter < f floating
ρ matter < ρ liquid, floating, G matter < f floating (because it is the final state of floating, so ρ matter < ρ liquid)
ρ matter > ρ liquid, sink to the bottom, G matter = f floating + F cup bottom supporting force (three force balance) Archimedes
(4) In this paper, we give the formula of the ratio of exposure to displacement, which is an important formula to solve the floating problem
If floating (this is an important premise!), then: ρ matter: ρ liquid = V row: V matter
Where, V matter = V row + V dew
Its deformation formula
1. (ρ liquid - ρ substance) ∶ ρ liquid = V dew ∶ V substance
2. ρ substance: (ρ liquid - ρ substance) = V row: V dew

F floating = G-T = ρ liquid GV discharge = f what is the difference between the upper and lower pressure g and what is t
I hope you can answer more specifically

G stands for gravity, t stands for supporting force or pulling force. For example, an iron block is pulled into the water by a spring scale. At this time, the force balance is buoyancy + pulling force = gravity. If the spring scale is removed and the iron block sinks to the bottom of the container, the force balance is buoyancy + supporting force of the bottom of the container to the iron block = iron block gravity

Since the formula of f-floating = ρ liquid GV row is universal, why is it wrong to use f-floating = g material when suspending and f-floating = ρ liquid GV row?

Who's wrong?
Floating = P liquid GV discharge is applicable at any time
It's just that when the object is suspended, the force is balanced, and we can get f floating = g, but at the same time f floating also = P liquid GV row, and the V row at this time is the volume V of the object

In the question of "which is the most buoyant aluminum ball in alcohol or in water", is the formula "f floating = g matter" or "f floating = ρ liquid GV matter"?

In the problem of "which buoyancy is greater for aluminum ball in alcohol or in water", does the formula use "f floating = g matter" or "f floating = ρ liquid GV matter"? Because [aluminum ball] may be hollow or solid, there are three possible states of aluminum ball floating - floating with [f floating = g matter] aluminum ball - floating with [f floating = g matter] if aluminum ball sinks

When to use f floating = g, when to use Archimedes principle f floating = P liquid GV row,
It is written in the book that in the condition of floating or floating, f floating = g is used. I remember a question in my last exam, which seems to be floating. I used the formula F floating = P liquid GV row, and the result is wrong. The result calculated by this formula is smaller than that calculated directly by F floating = g, and I know that I am not wrong. I am very confused if f floating = g is used in both floating and floating, So under what circumstances can I use f floating = P liquid GV row? I hope someone can answer me clearly and positively. Don't copy Baidu Encyclopedia or other people's answers. I've seen them all. If it can make me suddenly enlightened, I will add points
By the way, I suggest those who don't know how to answer, don't perfunctory me

It seems that you don't know much about buoyancy formula
F floating = P liquid GV row, the general formula holds no matter in any case, no matter whether there is external force, no matter what solution, no matter what state (suspension, floating)
The formula F = g is obtained by force analysis, provided that physics is not subject to other forces in solution
So when the object is only subject to gravity and buoyancy f floating = P liquid GV row = g
When there are external forces, they are not equal
You only need to remember that one is a theorem formula, and the second is a force analysis
OK, I hope you can understand. It depends on the topic