The formula of buoyancy

The formula of buoyancy

2. Archimedes principle: an object immersed in liquid is subject to upward buoyancy, and the buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the object expelling liquid. That is, f floating = g liquid = ρ liquid GV row

For the buoyancy formula,
Is the buoyancy formula:
F = g
F float = f up - f down
F float = G-F pull
F = row G
F floating = P liquid GV discharge

Remember the most fundamental point, f floating = g row, that is, buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the liquid (gas in gas), which is applicable to all kinds of buoyancy. F floating = g row = P liquid GV row
Several special cases of buoyancy can be calculated with other special formulas or methods
When the object floats on the liquid surface, the volume of the liquid discharged is smaller than the volume of the object. Because the object is balanced by the force, the buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the object itself, that is, f floating = g object. When the object is pulled upward by an external force, such as a line, the pulling force is F. at this time, according to the force balance, f floating = G-F pulling
The root cause of buoyancy is that the upward pressure and downward pressure of the liquid on the object are inconsistent, that is, f floating = f up-f down

There are two identical containers, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, filled with equal mass of water and oil
Ask for detailed explanation

It should be that the pressure generated by water is large, which is mainly a problem of average cross section, because M = ρ VG = ρ s, h g = (ρ GH) s. because the density of oil is small, the volume V is large, and the height h is also large relative to water. For the container with wide top and narrow bottom, the bottom area is the same, and the higher the height is, the average cross section s is also large

In physics, w = Pt = FS, Pt = FS, P = FV, f = P / T, but f = Pt / S?

First of all, there is a problem with your topic... Where is the F = P / T?... and... The default speed here is the average speed... But FS doesn't have to be the average speed to calculate. So you don't hold this. The following is not right

Isn't the formula of electric energy consumption w = Pt? Why do some books say e = Pt?

W in w = PT is the formula of work from the angle of work, e = PT is the formula of energy, and work is the measure of energy, which is the same in essence

What formula can be derived from w = Pt


Physics: 1kW · H=__ W×__ In the formula w = pt of the sixth power J with S = 3.6 × 10, please write down the physical quantity represented by the sign and the corresponding unit:
Physical quantity____
Symbol: W P T
Setting:___ ; kW · H (KWH)___

1kw·h=_ 1000_ W×_ 3600_ In the formula w = Pt, please write down the physical quantity represented by the sign and the corresponding unit:
Physical quantity:_ Electric energy__ Power__ Time__
Symbol: W P T
Unit: kW · H (KWH)__ KW (kw)_ H (hours)__

What is f in the friction heat generation formula

The formula of friction heat generation is q = FS;
F is the sliding friction between two objects

What does n represent in the friction coefficient formula F = μ n?
Some people say it's pressure, so why not use f to express pressure?
Isn't the pressure formula P = f / S?

N is the positive pressure on the contact surface
As for why we don't use F, it's just a habit. It's essentially the same

What does f represent in the friction coefficient formula F = μ n?

Sliding friction