Calculation formula of power: P = w / T = FS / T = FV What do "P", "W", "t", "F", "s", "t" and "V" refer to? What are the units?

Calculation formula of power: P = w / T = FS / T = FV What do "P", "W", "t", "F", "s", "t" and "V" refer to? What are the units?

P refers to the power, w refers to the work done by the force, t refers to all the time of the whole process, s refers to the displacement of the object, and V refers to the velocity
When the unit of "P" is w, the unit of "W" is j, and the unit of T is s
Or "P" unit is kW, then "W" unit is kwh, t unit is h
The unit of "F" is n, the unit of "s" is m, and the unit of "V" is m / s

What is w in the formula of P = w / T for high school physics?
W is the work done by external force or traction force?

In both cases, if W is the work done by the traction force, P is the ideal power of the car
If W is the work done by an external force, P is the actual power of the car
I think it's easy for you to understand that w means anything, but the corresponding P is different, depending on the situation

The cylinder with a cross-sectional area of S = 3dm2 contains water with a mass of M = 0.6kg. When the cylinder is exposed to sunlight for 2min, the temperature of the water increases by 1 ℃. Suppose that only 45% of the solar energy in the top layer of the atmosphere reaches the ground, and the average distance between the sun and the earth is 1.5 × 1011m, what is the total solar radiation power? (the specific heat capacity of water is known as C = 4200j / kg ℃. Keep 1 as the significant number)

The heat absorbed by the cylinder with a cross-sectional area of 3 × 10-2m2 in 2min is q = cm △ t = 4.2 × 103 × 0.6 × 1J = 2.52 × 103J. Under direct sunlight, the energy per square meter per second of the earth's surface is e = QST = 2.52 × 1033 × 10 − 2 × 120 = 700j / (M2 · s) per square meter per second