Odd number, odd number, even number, odd number who can help me analyze what it means In the quantity relation, the circle problem, the rule says: if there is an odd number in a circle, there are odd numbers If there are even odd numbers in each circle, then Who can help me analyze what it means

Odd number, odd number, even number, odd number who can help me analyze what it means In the quantity relation, the circle problem, the rule says: if there is an odd number in a circle, there are odd numbers If there are even odd numbers in each circle, then Who can help me analyze what it means

Odd number odd number means that this number is odd, and the number of this number is also odd. For example, five 11, 11 are odd, and the number of 11 5 is odd
The meaning of even number and odd number is the same. This number is odd, and the number of this number is even. For example, four 11, 11 are odd, and four of 11 are even

Is the product of multiplication of any two numbers in 1-100 odd or even?

There are many even numbers, because odd * odd = odd, but odd * even, even * odd, even * even = even

The product of multiplication of two even numbers must be what number, multiplication of two odd numbers must be what number, and the product of an odd number and an even number must be what number

Even, odd, even

The difference between the two products of an odd number multiplied by two adjacent even numbers is 150. What is the number?

Let this number be X
The number is 75

Multiply the five numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to get ten different products?

Even number
The products are 2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,15,20, seven even numbers and three odd numbers

Is the product of 100 continuous natural numbers odd or even? Why?

Even numbers, because of 100 continuous natural numbers, there must be 50 even numbers (the product is even numbers), 50 odd numbers (the product is odd numbers), even numbers and odd numbers multiplied to even numbers

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 180. What are the three even numbers? (using equation solution)
The computer monitor factory will produce 4250 monitors in January. It has been producing for 25 days, and there are still 750 monitors that have not been completed. How many monitors are produced every day in 25 days

1. Let three consecutive even numbers be X-2, x, x + 2 respectively
(x - 2 )+ x + (x + 2) = 180
3x = 180
x = 60
Then x - 2 = 60 - 2 = 58
x + 2 = 60 + 2 = 62
The three consecutive even numbers are 58, 60 and 62, respectively
2. Let's set an average of X sets per day in these 25 days
5x + 750 = 4250
25x = 4250 - 750
25x = 3500
x = 140
A: the average daily production of these 25 days is 140 sets

The sum of even numbers of three continuity is 36. What are the even numbers of these three continuity? Use the equation to solve

Let the number in the middle be X
These three numbers are 10, 12 and 14

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 54, and the intermediate number is X. how much is x?


The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 90, and the number in the middle is X. can you work out the value of X by making an equation?
To set up the equation, I already know that the three numbers are 28, 30 and 32
