Zero and natural numbers are integers______ .

Zero and natural numbers are integers______ .

Natural numbers include 0, so it is correct that both 0 and natural numbers are integers

All even numbers are composite except 0 and 2

According to the analysis: 2 is the smallest prime number, except 0 and 2, all even numbers are composite numbers

In 49%, 1, 1 / 8, 1.4, 111, π, 60%, 0 and 19, () is a natural number, () is a prime number, () is a composite number, () is a percentage

1. 111, 0 and 19 are natural numbers
111 and 19 are prime numbers
No composite number (minimum composite number is 4)
49% is a percentage
(percentages are usually not written as fractions, but are represented by the percent sign "%"

Judgment: two adjacent natural numbers, one of which is odd, then the other must be even. Explain the reason, two adjacent natural numbers 0 and 1

0 is even and 1 is odd

The sum of two natural numbers is 735, and their greatest common divisor is 105

Let two numbers be x and y
Let x = a * 105
Then (a + b) * 105 = 735
And a, B are irreducible
a=1 b=6
a=2 b=5
a=3 b=4
a=4 b=3
a=5 b=2
a=6 b=1
So there are three cases of these two numbers
105 630
210 525
315 420

If the sum of two natural numbers is 296 and the greatest common divisor is 37, then the two natural numbers are [] and [] or [] and [
Fill in the numbers in brackets

If the sum of two natural numbers is 296 and the greatest common divisor is 37, then the two natural numbers are [37] and [259] or [111] and [185]

There are six natural numbers whose sum is 350. What is the greatest common divisor of these six natural numbers?


A natural number (except 0) is divided into two parts according to the number of factors
1 odd and even
2 1 and prime and composite numbers
3 odd and prime numbers
4 even and composite numbers

A natural number (except 0) is divided into (2) according to the number of factors
1 odd and even
2 1 and prime and composite numbers
3 odd and prime numbers
4 even and composite numbers

Natural numbers are divided into three parts according to the number of factors______ ,______ And______ .

Natural number is divided into 1, prime number and composite number according to the number of factors

According to the number of a number factor, non-zero natural numbers can be divided into (), () |, ()

According to the number of a number factor, non-zero natural numbers can be divided into (1), (prime number), (composite number)