According to the number of factors, non-zero natural numbers can be divided into () () () emergency

According to the number of factors, non-zero natural numbers can be divided into () () () emergency

Prime, composite, 1

According to the number of factors of a number, nonzero natural number can be divided into prime number and composite number______ .

According to the analysis, according to the number of factors of a number, non-zero natural numbers can be divided into prime numbers, composite numbers, 1, three categories. Therefore, according to the number of factors of a number, non-zero natural numbers can be divided into prime numbers and composite numbers

Non zero natural numbers can be divided into (), () and ()

(double factor), (multiple factor) and (1)

0 is a natural number, which is a positive integer
A positive integer is not a positive number plus an integer
Isn't 0 a positive number?
How can zero be a natural number?

First of all, zero is not a positive number, nor a negative number, so it can not be a "positive" integer. This point is very correct. As for whether zero is a natural number, in the discipline of number theory, it is stipulated that it is not a natural number

Is 0 a natural number or an integer?

Well, the textbook has been revised. Before, 0 was not an integer

What is the sum of squares formula of factorization?

There is no formula for the sum of squares. The square difference a ^ 2-B ^ 2 = (a + b) (a-b)
Upstairs is the square of sum

Three identical wooden blocks are fixed on the horizontal ground. A bullet is fired horizontally at the speed V, and the bullet's speed is exactly zero after penetrating the three wooden blocks. Suppose that the bullet moves in a straight line with uniform deceleration in the wooden block, then the ratio of the time it takes for the bullet to penetrate the three wooden blocks is___ If the thickness of the blocks is different and the time taken for the bullet to penetrate the three blocks is the same, then the ratio of the thickness of the three blocks is___ (the acceleration of the bullet moving in a straight line with uniform deceleration in three blocks is the same)

Because the ratio of time for uniform acceleration linear motion with zero initial velocity to pass through equal displacement is 1: (2-1): (3-2) According to the reverse thinking, the ratio of time for a bullet to penetrate three pieces of wood is (3-2): (2-1): 1, because the ratio of displacement in the same time is 1:3:5 for a uniform acceleration linear motion with zero initial velocity The ratio of the thickness of three pieces of wood is 5:3:1. So the answer is: (3-2): (2-1): 1, 5:3:1

The following equations are solved by the method of addition, subtraction and elimination
{ 5(y-1)=3(x+5)
To solve the linear equation of three variables
{ x-y=1

1.3 (x-1) = y + 5, that is, 3x-3 = y + 53x-y = 8 (1) 5 (Y-1) = 3 (x + 5), that is, 5y-5 = 3x + 153x-5y = - 20 (2) (1) - (2) 3x-y-3x + 5Y = 8 + 204y = 28y = 7 substitute (1) 3x-7 = 83x = 15, so x = 5, y = 72. X + y + Z = 26 (1) X-Y = 1 (2) 2x-y + Z = 18 (2) (3) - (1) 2x-y + z-x-y-z = 18-26x -

Primary school mathematics problems, help me solve (there is a reward to improve oh)
There are rewards for improvement
1. An equilateral triangle has a circumference of 12 cm, a height of 3.5 cm and an area of () square cm
2. The area of the parallelogram is 48 square meters. The distances between the two opposite sides are 4 meters and 8 meters respectively. The lengths of the two sides of the parallelogram are ()
3.1 group of data is arranged in order of size. If there are odd numbers of data, the one of () is the median, which can be found directly in the data. If there are even numbers of data, the median of the data can be found by finding the two data in the middle
4. It takes 60 seconds for a train to pass a 1260 long bridge from the front of the train to the rear of the train to leave the bridge. It takes 90 seconds for the train to cross a tunnel less than 2010 meters. How many meters does the train travel per second?
5. Simple operation
6. Formula calculation
1. The number of a is 15, 6 times the number of a is 10 less than 5 times the number of B, what is the number of B?
The product of 2.76 and 0.5 is 6 times more than 4 times of a number?
3. Five times of a number is 6.4 less than nine times of a number?
Simple calculation 6. Formula calculation
To list
There are two more;
1. The distance between a and B is 560 km. A car and a farm vehicle set out from two places and went in opposite directions. After 3 hours and 12 minutes, they met on the way. It is known that the speed of the car is 1.5 times that of the farm vehicle. What is the sum of the speed of the car and the farm vehicle
solve equations

1. An equilateral triangle has a circumference of 12 cm, a height of 3.5 cm, and its area is (7) square cm. The area of a parallelogram is 48 square meters. The distances between the two opposite sides are 4 meters and 8 meters respectively. The lengths of the two sides of the parallelogram are () 48 △ 4 = 12 meters. 48 △ 8 = 6 meters 3

Answer the following questions, to the process. Answer well there are additional rewards
1. Given that the square of x plus x times y equals 2, and the square of y plus x times y equals 5, what is the value of the square of half x plus x times y plus the square of half y?
2. There are five points on the plane, only three of which are on the same line. How many lines can be made through two points?
How many common points of three lines do not coincide with each other?
4. Two production groups pasted cartons. The first group pasted 33000 cartons in 8 days, 20 less than the second group pasted cartons per day. How many cartons did the second group paste per day
5. For a pile of soil, if it takes 30 days to transport 360 trucks every day, now it needs to complete the task five days in advance. How many trucks do you need to transport every day? (write the process)
6. To forge a cylindrical part and a blank with a diameter of 70mm, a height of 45mm and a diameter of 30mm and a height of 30mm respectively, how long is the round steel with a diameter of 50mm to be cut?

1、X2+XY=2 Y2+XY=5
3. There is no common point in three lines which do not coincide with each other