If AB is greater than or equal to a + B + 8, the minimum value of a + B is Well... Positive numbers a, B

If AB is greater than or equal to a + B + 8, the minimum value of a + B is Well... Positive numbers a, B

If both sides of the A0 inequality are divided by (B-1) a ≥ (B + 8) / (B-1) a ≥ (B-1 + 9) / (B-1) a ≥ 1 + 9 / (B-1) a + B ≥ 1 + 9 / (B-1) + Ba + B ≥ 2 + 9 / (B-1) + (B-1) when 9 / (B-1) = (B-1), 9 / (B-1) + (B-1) has the minimum solution, B = 4, so a + B ≥ 8 (when a = b = 4), a

It is known that A.B.C satisfies that a square plus b square equals 1, b square plus C square equals 2, a square plus C square equals 2. What is the minimum value of AB plus BC plus AC?


The square of a plus the square of B plus the square of C = 1 to find the minimum value of AB + BC + AC

(a + B + C) square = the square of a + the square of B + the square of C + 2Ab + 2BC + 2Ac
(a + B + C) square = 1 + 2Ab + 2BC + 2Ac
(a + B + C) square > = 0
(a + B + C) Square-1 = 2Ab + 2BC + 2Ac
At the minimum value, make (a + B + C) square = 0;
ab+bc+ac = -0.5

It's better to be simple and easy to remember

(1) when doing the experiment of toxic gases, it should be carried out in the ventilated kitchen, and pay attention to the appropriate treatment of exhaust gas (absorption or ignition, etc.). When doing the experiment of flammable and explosive gases, it should pay attention to the purity, and the exhaust gas should be burned or properly treated

Molar formula

Four basic formulas (1) n = n / Na (2) n = m / M (3) VM = V / N (4) CB = Nb / V other derived formulas (5) CB = 1000 ρ w / M (6) M = 22.4 ρ (under standard conditions) (7) C dilute · V dilute = C concentrated · V concentrated (8) m dilute · w dilute = m concentrated · w concentrated (9) under isothermal and isobaric conditions: V1 / V2 = N1 / N2

A summary of the formula for solving the problem

Uniform speed linear motion:
Basic rule: VT = V0 + a T x = VO T + a T2
(1) Vt2-v02 = 2aX (uniform acceleration linear motion: A is positive, uniform deceleration linear motion: A is negative)
A x a t B
(2) Real time speed in the middle of segment a and B:
Vt/ 2 = =
(3) Real time velocity of displacement midpoint of AB segment:
Vx/2 =
Uniform speed: VT / 2 = VX / 2; uniform acceleration or deceleration linear motion: VT / 2

The formula of physics compulsory 3 in senior one (summary)

A summary of using the formula of physics compulsory one in Senior High School
VIP Education Press

It is suggested that you write these / into fractions on paper: S = vcchu T + (at ^ 2) / 2 --- (T ^ 2 is the square of T), V end = vcchu + at --- (2), s level = vpping / T = (vmut-vcchu) / T --- (3) (the last one is only applicable to the uniform straight line), and get V end ^ 2 - V from formula (1) and (2)

Who can help summarize the formula of compulsory one and compulsory two in high school physics

Summary of physics formula in senior one
1、 Motion of particle (1) --- linear motion
1) Uniform linear motion
1. Average velocity v = s / T (definition) 2. Useful inference VT ^ 2 – VO ^ 2 = 2As
3. Velocity at middle time VT / 2 = vplane = (VT + VO) / 2 4. Final velocity VT = VO + at
5. Middle position velocity vs / 2 = [(VO ^ 2 + VT ^ 2) / 2] 1 / 2 6. Displacement S = V flat t = VOT + at ^ 2 / 2 = VT / 2T
7. Acceleration a = (VT VO) / T, with VO as the positive direction, a and VO in the same direction (acceleration) a > 0; in the reverse direction, a

A summary of the formula of physics compulsory one in Senior High School

Physical theorem, law and formula table 1. Motion of particle (1) ---- linear motion 1) uniformly variable speed linear motion 1. Average velocity VT = s / T (definition) 2. Useful inference vt2-vo2 = 2As 3. Velocity VT / 2 = VT + VO / 2 4. Final velocity VT = VO + at 5. Velocity vs / 2 in middle position = [