What is the product of the reciprocal of 1.5 and the sum of 1 / 10 multiplied by the difference between 4 and 1 / 3? The difference between 2.4/5 and 2 / 3 is 2 / 7 of a number. What is the number?

What is the product of the reciprocal of 1.5 and the sum of 1 / 10 multiplied by the difference between 4 and 1 / 3? The difference between 2.4/5 and 2 / 3 is 2 / 7 of a number. What is the number?

=1 and 1 / 10
A: the number is 7 / 15

The product of a number and its reciprocal minus a is one-third. What is a?

The product of any number and its reciprocal is 1,1-a = 1 / 3, a = 2 / 3