The ratio is 1 / 4 to 1 / 9, 0.5 to 0.015, 7 / 5 to 5 / 2, 2 / 5 tons to 800 kg, and 1 / 4 to 20 Three quarters of a meter is more than 750 meters

The ratio is 1 / 4 to 1 / 9, 0.5 to 0.015, 7 / 5 to 5 / 2, 2 / 5 tons to 800 kg, and 1 / 4 to 20 Three quarters of a meter is more than 750 meters

A quarter is better than a ninth
5 vs. 0. 015
Seven fifths to five fifths
Two fifths of a ton is 800 kg
A quarter is better than 20

The ratio is 1,0.125:2.5 and 2,2.4:0.83,78:52 and 4,2:3

78:52=78÷52=3/2 
2 / 3: 3 / 4 = 2 / 3x4 / 3 = 8 / 9
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Thirty six out of 24 reduction ratio: ratio: percentage: 0.52:1.3 reduction ratio: ratio: percentage:
13 / 12: 5 / 6 ratio: ratio: percentage:
2.5m: 3 / 4 M ratio: ratio: percentage:

36 / 24 ratio: 3 / 2 ratio: 3:2 percentage: 150% 0.52:1.3 ratio: 5 / 2 ratio: 5:2 percentage: 250% 13 / 12 ratio: 5 / 6 ratio: 13 / 12 ratio: 5 / 6 = 13 / 10 ratio: 13:10 percentage: 130% 2.5m: 3 / 4 M ratio: 2.5:3 / 4