Is the infinity of SiNx meaningful? The limit of sin (π / x)? There is a functional expression sin (π / x), which has no limit in the book. Why? How to prove it? In addition, if x in SiNx is infinite, what is the value of SiNx? PS, university party, just came into contact with calculus Sorry, sin (π / x) has no limit when X - > 0. Why?

Is the infinity of SiNx meaningful? The limit of sin (π / x)? There is a functional expression sin (π / x), which has no limit in the book. Why? How to prove it? In addition, if x in SiNx is infinite, what is the value of SiNx? PS, university party, just came into contact with calculus Sorry, sin (π / x) has no limit when X - > 0. Why?

Let X1 = 1 / K, X2 = 1 / (K + 1 / 2), when k is sufficiently large, the limits of X1 and X2 are 0, and | sin (π / x1) - sin (π / x2) | = 1 > ε, so according to the Cauchy convergence criterion, when x tends to 0, the limit does not exist

Find the function range of y = - x divided by x = 1

Landlord is - 1 or + 1, wrong number, I am this, according to the following
Separation constant y = 1-1 / x ^ 2 + 1, y is not equal to 1, continue: multiply x ^ 2 + 1 to the left=
X ^ 2 = 1 / (1-y) > 0 is y

What is the value range of the power - | x | of the function y = 2? There must be a process

The topic can be transformed into y = 1 / 2 | x | power. ∵ x | power ≥ 0, | x | power ≥ 1 of | 2, | its reciprocal ≤ 1, but not equal to 0. The value range is (0,1]

Given the power X of function y = 4-4 times the power X of 2 + 1 (- 1 ≤ x ≤ 2), then the range of function is?

Let t = 2 ^ x, then 0.5=

If Mn > 0, then M1 / N holds

M and n have the same sign

m. If n is a natural number and N △ M = 8, then the greatest common factor of N and M is ()

N △ M = 8, n = 8m, then the greatest common factor of N and M is (m)

Prime numbers m, N, such that 2m + 1 / N and 2n - 3 / M are natural numbers, find the value of m square n

Obviously m and N are odd numbers, then (2m + 1) / N and (2n-3) / M are odd numbers
It is easy to verify that only m = 7 and N = 5 hold
Only m = 7 and N = 5 hold
In other cases, there must be (2m + 1) / N > 4, i.e. m > 2n-0.5 and (2n-3) / m ≥ 1, i.e. m ≤ 2n-3, then 2n-3 > 2n-0.5, which is a contradiction, so this case is impossible
So m ^ 2n = 245

M is the middle number of three continuous natural numbers, and the sum of the three numbers is ()
A. 3m+2B. 3mC. 3m+1D. 3m-1

According to the meaning and nature of continuous natural numbers, the number before M can be expressed as M-1; the number after M is m + 1. Then the three continuous natural numbers are: (m-1), m, (M + 1). The sum of them is: (m-1) + m + (M + 1) = M-1 + m + m +

Among the three continuous natural numbers, the middle one is m, and the sum of the three numbers is ()
A. M+3B. 3M+1C. 3M+2D. 3M

Because three continuous natural numbers are known and the middle one is m, the other two are M-1, M + 1. Then the sum of three continuous natural numbers is M-1 + m + m + 1 = 3M

Given that the natural numbers m and N satisfy 167 + m square = n square, then n =?
How did the explanation come out?

Given that natural numbers m and N satisfy 167 + M & sup2 = n & sup2, then n =?
We can use factorization to solve this problem
Where 167 is a prime number, it can only be decomposed into 167 × 1, and (n + m) > (n-m)
By solving the above equations, it is obtained that: