Simple operation: (1 + 3 + 5 +...) +1999)-(2+4+6+… +How to do it?

Simple operation: (1 + 3 + 5 +...) +1999)-(2+4+6+… +How to do it?

(1+3+5+…… +1999)-(2+4+6+…… +1998)
=(1-2)+(3-4)+(5-6)+…… +(1997-1998)+1999
=-1-1-1-…… -1 (999 - 1) + 1999
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If "!" Is a mathematical operation symbol, and 1! =1,2! =2×1,3! =3×2×1,4! =4×3×2×1… . find the value of 100! 98

∵1! =1,2! =2×1,3! =3×2×1,4! =4×3×2×1… ,∴100!98!=100×99×98×97×… ×198×97×96×… ×1=9900.

And "!" is an operation symbol, and 1! = 1, = 2x1, = 3x2x1, 4 = 4x3x2x1,..., then what is the result of 2012! / 2011?
