If a person throws an object horizontally towards the rear of the train in the train carriage, what can another person standing on the ground platform see the trajectory of the object

If a person throws an object horizontally towards the rear of the train in the train carriage, what can another person standing on the ground platform see the trajectory of the object

This depends on the release speed (relative to the train) when the object is thrown horizontally on the train. Because the object has the same speed as the train before it is thrown out, under the ideal state of ignoring the air resistance, if the release speed when it is thrown out is less than the speed of the train, the object still has forward speed relative to the ground

An observer on the platform stands near the front of the first carriage when the train starts
Near the front station of the first carriage, the first carriage passes this person within 5 seconds. Set the train to accelerate evenly. How long does it take for the tenth carriage to pass this person?

Because the symbols here are not easy to type, I actually write them very clearly. If you write them by hand, it will be very clear. Analysis: we can calculate the time T1 when the first nine cars pass this person, and then calculate the time T2 when the first 10 cars pass this person. Then t2-t1 is the time you require

There is an observer on the platform. When the train starts, he stands beside the front end of the first carriage. The first carriage passes this person in 5 seconds. If the train moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration, the time required for the tenth carriage to pass this person is___ Seconds

The ratio of the time taken by the uniformly accelerated linear motion with zero initial velocity to pass through the same displacement is 1: (2-1): (3-2) Therefore, the time ratio of passing the 10th carriage is 10-3, and it takes 5 (10-3) seconds for the first carriage to pass this person in 5 seconds. So the answer is: 5 (10-3)