There is a two digit number, in which the one digit number is 2 larger than the ten digit number, and the sum of the two digits is 8 Look at the question

There is a two digit number, in which the one digit number is 2 larger than the ten digit number, and the sum of the two digits is 8 Look at the question

Let X be one bit and y be ten bits

A two digit one digit number is 1 larger than a ten digit number. If you transpose a two digit number with a ten digit number, the product of the two digit number and the original number is 108 larger than the square of the original number

Let X be the number of single digits and X-1 be the number of ten digits. According to the meaning of the question, the equation is given as follows: (10x + x-1) [10 (x-1) + x] - 108 = [10 (x-1) + x] 2. If x = 2 or X = - 1, then the two digits are 12

A two digit one digit number is 1 larger than a ten digit number. If you transpose a two digit number to a ten digit number, then the product of the number and the original number is 405 more than the square of the original number. What is the two digit number?

Let X be the number of single digits and y be the number of ten digits. According to the meaning of the question, the equations are listed: X-Y = 1 (10x + y) (10Y + x) - 405 = (10Y + x) 2, and the solution is: x = 5Y = 4, then the two digits are 45