The sum of each digit of a three digit number is 17. The ten digit number is larger than the one digit number. 1. If the hundred digit number of the three digit number is swapped with the one digit number to get a new three digit number, the new three digit number is 198 larger than the original three digit number

The sum of each digit of a three digit number is 17. The ten digit number is larger than the one digit number. 1. If the hundred digit number of the three digit number is swapped with the one digit number to get a new three digit number, the new three digit number is 198 larger than the original three digit number

Let the original number be a, then the tens are a + 1, and the hundreds are 16-2a. According to the equation 100A + 10 (a + 1) + 16-2a-100 (16-2a) - (10a + 1) - a = 198, the solution is a = 6, then a + 1 = 7, 16-2a = 4. A: the original number is 476