The earth is a sphere with a radius of 6.4 times 10 to the power of 3 km. Beijing latitude is 40. The two objects at the equator and Beijing move with the earth in a circle with an angle and a line Use radian value to express, don't search a large number of mistakes on the Internet Finding the linear velocity and angular velocity of two objects

The earth is a sphere with a radius of 6.4 times 10 to the power of 3 km. Beijing latitude is 40. The two objects at the equator and Beijing move with the earth in a circle with an angle and a line Use radian value to express, don't search a large number of mistakes on the Internet Finding the linear velocity and angular velocity of two objects

The angular velocity is the angular velocity of the earth's rotation
W = 2 / (24 * 3600) = 7.27 * 10 ^ - 5rad / S
The linear velocity at the equator v = WR = (7.27 * 10 ^ - 5) * (6.4 * 10 ^ 3 * 10 ^ 3) = 4.65 * 10 ^ 2m / S
The rotation radius of Beijing is r = rcos40
The linear velocity in Beijing is v '= w * r = w * rcos40 = vcos40 = (4.65 * 10 ^ 2) * 0.766 = 3.56 * 10 ^ 2m / s

The earth can be seen as a sphere with a radius of 6.4 × 10 & # 179; km, and the latitude of Beijing is about 40 degrees. What are the angular velocities and linear velocities of the two objects at the equator and Beijing in uniform circular motion with the rotation of the earth?

The angular velocity of circular motion is the same, w = 2 π / (24 × 3 600) rad / S = 7.3 × 10-4 rad / s
The linear velocity V1 = ω r = 4 653 M / s for objects on the equator and V2 = ω R1 = ω RCOs 40 ° 3.7 × 103 M / s for objects in Beijing
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The earth can be approximately regarded as a sphere with a radius of 6.37 times the cubic km of 10. What is the volume of the earth

V = (4 / 3) π * (R ^ 3) this is the formula for calculating the volume of a sphere,
1.08 * 10 ^ 12 (km ^ 3)